By no later than 11:59pm TUESDAY, create a video post please respond to at leas

By no later than 11:59pm TUESDAY, create a video post please respond to at leas

By no later than 11:59pm TUESDAY, create a video post please respond to at least TWO questions from Chapter 7 and TWO questions from Chapter 8:
Chapter 7
1. Why are so many stereotypes negative? Are these stereotypes harmless or dangerous? Explain your answer. What impact do stereotypes have in your life?
2. Ethnocentrism is sometimes linked to patriotism. Is it possible to be patriotic without being ethnocentric? Explain your answer.
3. Prejudice is grounded in an emotional reaction and cannot just be gotten rid of by simply being told that it is not a good idea. What are some ways you would suggest that a person could get rid of prejudice in their own life?
4. What examples of the different forms and functions of prejudice can you identify in your community? What negative consequences are suffered by the specific individuals and the community as a whole as a result of the manifestations of prejudice?
5. Which of the rationalizing narratives do you recognize in your own life and in the lives of those around you? How could you change these narratives so as to avoid the negative impacts of prejudice in your own life?
Chapter 8
1. What are the most recognizable differences for you among the three types of intercultural conflicts: Object conflicts, relationship conflicts, and priority conflicts? Give an example of each as it occurs in your life today. If you do not currently have one of these conflicts in your life, did you experience one in the recent or distant past? How was it resolved?
2. Which approach to conflict do you most typically use? Is that your consistent approach, or is it contextually driven? In other words, are there situations where you use avoidance? Situations where you use accommodation? What factors determine your approach to conflict?
3. Describe the differences between intercultural and intergroup conflicts. Give an example of each that you have experienced and/or observed. How was the conflict managed? Would awareness of the “other(s)” have minimized the conflict?
4. Is the concept of forgiveness a practical one? Why or why not? Does it depend on the situation? If so, how? Does a person have to be religious for this concept to have any value?
5. What is the “trigger” that you notice most frequently leads to intergroup conflict? Is there a way to minimize the impact of the trigger? Is there a way to move toward less “othering”? What strategies are you willing to try in your life to minimize being influenced by triggers that could lead to intergroup conflicts?