Can you write a nice reply to this, in 75 words what you agree with a nice reply

Can you write a nice reply to this, in 75 words what you agree with a nice reply

Can you write a nice reply to this, in 75 words what you agree with a nice reply
Marlow tells his tale in an effort to educate people and assist in helping him process what happened to him. Many of the characters seem to be dehumanized by their lack of names. Those characters lose their actual identity as unique people due to the absence of names. They can only be identified by their place in society as a result of doing this. I completely understand how the text could be interpreted as racist. Uncomfortable texts, in my opinion, are vital because they can inspire change and teach us about the ways in which other eras functioned, regardless of whether it was right or wrong. I still feel conflicted because this text brought the effects of colonialism to our attention. I think Kurtz recognized the gloom in both the world and himself when he said these final words. It was an acknowledgment of how cruel and unscrupulous people could be when it came to wealth and power, and the extent they would go to, even if it meant hurting other people.
and can you write a nice reply to this in 75 words. Conrad, in my opinion, is criticizing European imperialism in this tale. He tells of the abuse, coercion, and forced labor that the aboriginal people endured while working for the trade corporation, leading to their eventual death. “The work!” he writes. And this was where a few of the aid workers had withdrew to end their lives. “They were obviously dying slowly. They were no longer opponents or criminals; all that remained of them was the black shadow of illness and malnutrition, looming confusedly in the greenish darkness. He must have been attempting to accept the terrible things that avaricious people are capable of committing to one another. Conrad is attempting to humanize native people from colonial areas, who were formerly viewed as barbaric, by demonstrating that “civilized people” are equally capable of evil as anyone else. The effects of European colonization are still clearly visible today.
They were talking about this…