Career Management- CDEV 8130/8131/8132 Assignment 1: My Career Profile and Labou

Career Management- CDEV 8130/8131/8132
Assignment 1: My Career Profile and Labou

Career Management- CDEV 8130/8131/8132
Assignment 1: My Career Profile and Labour Market Research
List of activities:
Module 1: Elevator Pitch Discussion Post Video
Ensure you have uploaded your elevator pitch in the discussion post section of module 1 and provided feedback to at least two of your peers. The elevator pitch should be between 45-60 seconds in length.
Modules 1-2: Reflection questions
In the first and second module, we reviewed Lois Sarah Marshall’s (2022) definition of career: “A career is a fluid process, not stagnant or simply a job. It is a process that must be nurtured – constantly grown and managed” (p. 7). Now that you’ve had a chance to consider this definition of career, it’s time for you to put some thought into your definition of Career Management.
Think about what key factors will be important as you manage your career over your lifetime?
Write down two of the factors you considered and explain briefly why each will be important when managing your career long-term.
Key Factors
Why is this important when managing my career long-term?
Module 3: My Value Proposition, Assets & Accomplishment Statements
In module 3, we explored the importance of delivering a concise, consistent, and compelling message to the potential employer. This message is your value proposition. Your value proposition should answer the employer’s question of “why should we hire you instead of the other candidates?”. If you do not know the answer to this question, it cannot be communicated throughout the job search process. Using the example in module 3 to guide you, identify the key elements for your value proposition by completing the table.
My Value Proposition
Context (e.g., Graduating Global Business Student) –
Buying Motivators (how might an employer in my industry benefit long term from employing me) –
Supporting Qualifications (what skills, credentials and experience do I have to offer in my industry that makes me a competitive candidate) –
Added Value (what else can I offer that is not required, but would be an asset as a candidate in my industry) –
Why should an employer hire you?
Based on the information you have already provided in the table, write a brief summary of why you should be hired in your industry. This is the beginning process of writing your qualifications summary in the resume. Aim for 2-3 sentences.
My Assets (education, training)
When applying for positions, it is essential to match your assets to the requirements of the job. This process was started in module 3 and will be highlighted in the cover letter and resume. In the table below, identify 2 of your assets that will be included in your resume and indicate why they are relevant/applicable in your industry.
Name of the Asset
Where I obtained this asset (institution and city)
When did I obtain it or will obtain it
Why it is relevant and desiredby employers in my industry.
Accomplishment Statements
Accomplishment statements demonstrate key competencies in your resume. These statements are formed from past experiences or your stories. Employers hire candidates who produce results. This is great news because you have achieved accomplishments! Rather than telling potential employers what to believe, you must indicate what you have achieved. In the tables below formulate two accomplishment statements. Indicate a job position that you would apply for and write two statements that demonstrate key competencies required for the position. These should relate to your field of study or industry and be based on real experiences.
Name of the Job Title (e.g., Data Analyst) –
Accomplishment statement 1
Starting the statement – Write how you might begin the accomplishment statement(Ensure the statement starts with an action verb).
Add action details – Brieflyindicate the actions taken to carry out this task.
Results from the story – Summarize what the result was when the task was completed, and/or what you learned from this experience.
Using the information indicated in the 3 rows above, write your Final polishedaccomplishment statement (in one concise statement).
Accomplishment Statement 2
Starting the statement – Write how you might begin the accomplishment statement(Ensure the statement starts with an action verb).
Add action details – Brieflyindicate the actions taken to carry out this task.
Results from the story – Summarize what the result was when the task was completed, and/or what you learned from this experience.
Using the information indicated in the 3 rows above, write your Final polishedaccomplishment statement (in one concise statement).
Module 4: My Brand Statement and Social Media Platform
In module 4, brand statements and social media were discussed. We know that developing your personal brand is a comprehensive process that takes time.
For this activity, you will review LinkedIn to better identify the features and benefits of this platform. You will also indicate what key components of your brand you would want to highlight on this platform.
Social Media Platform: LinkedIn
Features and benefits of using this social media platform (research required here).
What specific components of my own brand will I highlight on my LinkedIn profile?
Potential risks I may encounter and need to manage when using this social media platform to manage my brand.
Module 5: My Labour Market Research
Identifying yourself in the labour market, along with other people in your network, will enable you to execute a successful job search. Complete the table below to indicate industries of interest, the best locations to find employment, and the salary range for positions that you might pursue. For the first choice, use the industry relevant to your current program of study.The second choice may be taken from another industry of interest. APA citations are required for all research in this section.
*Current program of studymeans the program you are enrolled in at Conestoga College, for example–Human Resources Management; Social Media Marketing; Supply Chain Management – Global; and so on. Your program of study is different from your course. This course is Career Management. For the table on labour market, choose an industry relevant to your program of study at Conestoga College, not this course.
First Choice: Industry and location
(eg. Healthcare, Waterloo)
Second Choice: Industry
(eg. Construction, Vancouver)
Reasons for this industry and location choicebased on labour market information/facts.
Reasons for this industry and location choice based on labour market information/facts.
1. LMI for location –
2. LMI for industry –
1. LMI for location –
2. LMI for industry –
Job titles that appeal to me in this industry and the salary range. (e.g., Personal Support Worker – $37,000-$40,000 annually)
Job titles that appeal to me in this industry and the salary range.
Websites where I can find employment information and opportunities for these job titles.
Websites where I can find employment information and opportunities for these job titles (indicate different websites from industry 1).
APA References (start on a new page)