A few questions to think about: What was the main argument the author was tryi

A few questions to think about:

What was the main argument the author was tryi

A few questions to think about:

What was the main argument the author was trying to make?
Can you summarize the major points of the argument?
Is there a clear thesis statement? If so, where?
What is your general impression of the argument? Well written? Clear? Persuasive?
Were there any points that you found to be particularly insightful? Any that you found to be particularly problematic?
Does the author privilege evidence beneficial to their argument? If so where?
Do you perceive any biases in the writing? If so how and where? How do these biases affect the argument presented?
Is there evidence missing that should be discussed?

Please keep your response to 200
based on this article,
Wei-Cheng Lin, “Pefroming Center in a Vertical Rise: Multilevel Pagodas in China’s Middle Period,” Ars Orientalis 46 (2016): 100–134. [JSTOR] .

Please find the essay guidelines brief attached as well as a few sources and exa

Please find the essay guidelines brief attached as well as a few sources and exa

Please find the essay guidelines brief attached as well as a few sources and examples. Please use other reliable sources you can find, the book art
This essay is meant to be an Inquiry led by restructuring prospects of conserving and rehabilitating vernacular Najdi critical earthen heritage in the 21st century within Central Riyadh neighbourhoods. It suggests
Please find below a suggested outline/subtopics; please change/add to it as you see fit.
Start by defining heritage in particularly critical heritage studies
Critical Heritage Studies engaging with other areas of critical enquiry
Vernacular (what is it)
Vernacular heritage
Central Riyadh neighbourhoods context and geography
Vernacular City planning
Socioeconomic shift and climate change in Saudi Arabia
material culture studies
cultural geography
Geology and materials
Material heritage
Earth Architecture and changes to the social paradigm
concealed heritage layer
Concrete dependency 60s to 70s
Rapid Urbanization in Riyadh
Lost architectural narratives due to gentrification and rapid urbanism.
Loss of Najdi Architecture values and the shift of focus towards “sustainable” materials that are not particularly local and are more adapted from foreign interpretations.
Infrastructure of Care on two scales of materials the human hand and earth construction substance
Reviving vernacular materials
Metamorphosis of materials tracing their morphology over time
Material Urban morphology
New Ways to Restore the Legacy of Earth Architecture
Modernizing Building Cultures to Stimulate Local Development
The Case for Raw Earth: An Ecological Material for a New Concept of the Built Environment
How Raw Earth Buildings Stand the Test of Time
Ending the Prejudice Against Earth Architecture: What Can History Teach Us?
Contemporary creativity
The Need for a Cultural and Educational Revolution
Building with Earth in an Urban Context: A Circular Economy for the Future
Future practice reflection
Please look at the essay model example for general expectations.

Search the internet and find an example of a piece of furniture or a building fr

Search the internet and find an example of a piece of furniture or a building fr

Search the internet and find an example of a piece of furniture or a building from the 20th Century that was influenced by Egyptian Style. (It might have been likely to have been a result of the frenzy over all things Egyptian after the discovery of King Tut’s Tomb.)
-Identify the title of the work (if any), the architect or designer, the location of the work, the date it was made and any other pertinent information. INCLUDE AN IMAGE with your answer.
(!Extra Credit if you find more than one example!)

Introduction You will write a persuasive 1000 word essay interpreting a work of

You will write a persuasive 1000 word essay interpreting a work of

You will write a persuasive 1000 word essay interpreting a work of art, preferably one you can see in person in a curated art museum. A work from the website of a curated art museum, or works from other sources are acceptable at the discretion of the instructor, if no other options are available.
In this essay you will make a claim about what the artwork means, and then detail what evidence from the artwork supports your interpretation. In making your case, you will utilize your knowledge of artistic media and techniques, your understanding of the broad themes in art, and your vocabulary concerning the elements and principles of artistic design.
The essay will be evaluated for academic honesty using the Turnitin software and you are expected to properly cite any paraphrasing or quotations of outside sources in MLA format.
The paper should include at least one image of the artwork being discussed. If the artwork is something not easily captured in a photograph, you should discuss how to represent it in the paper with the instructor.
This paper is a direct demonstration of CLOs 1, 3, and 5.

Topic: Gentrification or Gentefication? (Gentefication means “People + Gentrific

Topic: Gentrification or Gentefication? (Gentefication means “People + Gentrific

Topic: Gentrification or Gentefication? (Gentefication means “People + Gentrification”)
GO over the Slides an create an 11″x 17″ formatted color digital presentation of a single sheet that contains a report on the topic. The page should be horizontal. Text, images, analysis, history and other information should be included. I will upload an example named “Public Architecture”.
Please upload an PDF version and an edited version when it’s done.

This will be a 2-3-paged paper evaluating one artwork, like a painting, or one p

This will be a 2-3-paged paper evaluating one artwork, like a painting, or one p

This will be a 2-3-paged paper evaluating one artwork, like a painting, or one part of a larger work, such as a single drawing in a series. No outside research is required, You will focus on a formal analysis of an artwork by observing aesthetic features and drawing conclusions. Art elements of study may include: line, color, shape, form, texture, value, space, movement, and composition. Also, instead of just aesthetics features, make use to include the background and the true meaning that the artist is trying to exhibit.

1. Use the attached readings and create at least 3 discussion questions and prov

1. Use the attached readings and create at least 3 discussion questions and prov

1. Use the attached readings and create at least 3 discussion questions and provide the answer. Questions should be thoughtfully designed to encourage meaningful analysis. Label 3 the questions by the readings.
2. View the presentation (hyperlinked below) and write a 175-word summary analysis. https://youtu.be/Wa8Zz8kjtQE?si=bxWVitnJElNShI0Z

This week we are delving into our first case study: Benin Bronzes. Please read t

This week we are delving into our first case study: Benin Bronzes. Please read t

This week we are delving into our first case study: Benin Bronzes. Please read the readings attached and respond to the prompts below.
Participate in Discussion forum: Reading Reflection #3 by answering the following prompts in paragraph form:
What are the Benin Bronzes? Where are they? What is the timeline for the Bronzes?
Why are there requests for repatriation of the Benin Bronzes?
What are the ethical and moral considerations for the repatriation of the Benin Bronzes?
What are the arguments against repatriating the Bronzes? What might the repatriation of the Benin Bronzes mean for other items in museums all over the world?
Why is the repatriation of the Benin Bronzes different than repatriating the Parthenon Marbles from the British Museum?

Students will write a 2-page essay that offers an analysis of a specific paintin

Students will write a 2-page essay that offers an analysis of a specific paintin

Students will write a 2-page essay that offers an analysis of a specific painting in their favorite painting medium.
There are two parts to this assignment. First, after reading the chapter on painting, identify your favorite medium in painting. In 1 to 2 paragraphs, briefly discuss how it differs from other mediums and the advantages and disadvantages of using that medium.
Next, you will select a painting in your preferred medium from an online museum to research and then discuss that painting as you would with others.
The lesson for this unit went into depth on three approaches you can take when discussing artwork: technical, historical, and observational. You will begin your paper with an introduction that includes identifying the approach you will take and why you chose that approach.
Then, discuss your selected painting and its visual elements using your chosen approach. Include two other artworks that are similar in style, era, or subject matter as your painting and discuss the similarities. Finally, end your discussion with a question for your audience.
The body of your essay must be at least three full pages of writing. It should be 12-point, Times New Roman font. Include an image of the painting you are discussing at the end of your written paper as Appendix A. The title page (if used), Appendix, and reference page do not count toward the minimum page requirement.