Questions: Why did the Romans build such large structures, and how were they abl

Questions: Why did the Romans build such large structures, and how were they abl

Questions: Why did the Romans build such large structures, and how were they able to design and construct them (what materials and architectural elements and ideas did the Romans use)? B. Discuss what happened in Pompeii in the year 79. While tragic, how has it helped us better understand the art and lifestyles of the Roman Empire? C. In what ways did Roman buildings differ from Greek structures, both architecturally and politically? (60 points possible)
EXTRA CREDIT: Discuss: a) why Christianity became so widespread throughout the Roman Empire; b) which Roman building type Early Christian architects looked to for inspiration in the design of their new churches; c) why they selected this particular Roman building to emulate (copy); and d) how Early Christians changed this building type to better suit their needs for Christian worship (5 points possible).

Just like all the examples in your reading and videos, I want you to choose an a

Just like all the examples in your reading and videos, I want you to choose an a

Just like all the examples in your reading and videos, I want you to choose an artwork from the Art Resources/ Virtual Museum tab, and create Formal + content analysis.
What to do:
1. Choose
Go to your Virtual Museums list and sift through many pieces of art to find one that you are interested in (your interest should be both Formal and Content). Copy, Paste, Label appropriately.
2. Analyze
Part A: Formal Analysis (Use Vocab from 1.1- 1.9 and stick to 3-4 most important terms you are looking at: not everything you see)
Part B: Choose 2-3 from: Stylistic, Iconographic, Historical, Biographical, Feminist, Gender Studies, Critical Race, Psychological. You will have to do some research here.
High Level Analysis: Point out correlations between the different types of analysis between Part A and Part B.
You may write a Paragraph or use a List form.
3. Source
Provide Sources for your image AND from your research.
4. Reply to 2 others
See if you know/ see anything you can add or any connections that you see that was not mentioned.
Stills from “Diving into an Acidifying Ocean”
Christina Tarquini
Diving into an Acidifying Ocean, 2020
Interactive Digital Media
Part A Formal Analysis:
Lines: Red Chaotic Organic Lines Run through the entire interaction creating a sense of question.
Color: Contrast with Colors such as Bright, saturated colors on a black background gives a feeling of being underwater and a feeling of not knowing. It also catches attention.
Sound (now I know this was not in your book- but it is a sensory part of this piece so I will include it): Daunting, low base sounds reinforces being underwater and catches your attention as well.
Part B
Stylistic: The style of this piece shows inspiration from pointillism and digital/ computer graphics. Computer graphics originated from Pixels, which is very similar to pointillism (lots of dots that make up form and color). The artist used a ‘sea’ of dots to create form and color.
Iconographical: The red chaotic line, I believe, shows human interactivity as a contrast to the other symbols of life and disposable objects shown. The dots may also symbolize individuals collectively that make a big difference if flocked together.
Historical: Many scientific and historical facts are added to the work to support its main idea and provide information. Example: Historical data on Acidification of Oceans.
Psychological: The daunting, low sounds are similar of a horror film, reinforces horrors of our hand in the future of the oceans. The facts shown in White against a black background also catch our attention and show the seriousness of the subject.
Tarquini, Christina, et al. “Diving Into an Acidifying Ocean By Cristina Tarquini in Collaboration with Google Arts & Culture | Experiments with Google,”
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,

Reading: Hobden, Sean. Tales from the Old School of Tattooing (2012) ISBN 978147

Reading: Hobden, Sean. Tales from the Old School of Tattooing (2012) ISBN 978147

Reading: Hobden, Sean. Tales from the Old School of Tattooing (2012) ISBN 9781479393572
Within a 4-5 page review, you are to address the following:

*In what way does this book present the social world within which Hobden lived, learned and worked?
*Would you consider Hobden’s use of oral history as going beyond the formal necessities of building what would generally be regarded as an adequate academic analysis of the tattoo phenomenon and its societal interactions? **** Give several examples (i.e. key individuals).
*Is Hobden successful in telling his story – i.e. responding to the “…danger that some of the true characters and heroes of yesteryear will vanish and go unrecorded.” (Hobden, 9)
professor will be turning paper in to turnitin.
please cite in apa format with accurate page numbers. paraphrase citations. make sure essay flows for clarity and understanding and address the assignment questions within paper.
please ask me any questions if you need assistance.

In the late 19th/early 20th centuries, photography, film, and animation became a

In the late 19th/early 20th centuries, photography, film, and animation became a

In the late 19th/early 20th centuries, photography, film, and animation became an art form, many times combining traditional drawing and painting techniques with new technologies.
Early pioneers like Eadweard Muybridge, Georges Méliès, and Winsor McCay used technology to advance their art forms. Please select one video below to analyze:
Photography: The Horse in Motion (Eadweard Muybridge, 1878)

Film: A Trip to the Moon (Georges Méliès 1902)

Animation: Gertie the Dinosaur (Winsor McCay, 1914)

Once you make your selection, please do some research on your chosen artist, then answer the following questions:
Did the artist incorporate any “traditional” mediums, i.e., drawing/painting, into their work? If so, how were these techniques combined with technology? How do these early pioneers still influence photography/motion studies, film, and animation more than 100 years later?
Your response should be around three to four paragraphs and prepared in Microsoft Word, double-spaced and uploaded. Please cite your research sources.

For this reading and response, we will begin to consider more carefully the ways

For this reading and response, we will begin to consider more carefully the ways

For this reading and response, we will begin to consider more carefully the ways in which curriculum integration can be used to benefit learners, with a specific focus on the intersections of visual art and a variety of other disciplines.

Please read the readings I have attached.
Then, submit a written reflection identifying 3 key ideas from the readings that resonated with you and explain why. In addition, describe an integration idea from the discipline you choose, either the Mathematics, Social Studies, Natural Sciences or language Arts reading that resonated with you.