Questions: Why did the Romans build such large structures, and how were they abl

Questions: Why did the Romans build such large structures, and how were they abl

Questions: Why did the Romans build such large structures, and how were they able to design and construct them (what materials and architectural elements and ideas did the Romans use)? B. Discuss what happened in Pompeii in the year 79. While tragic, how has it helped us better understand the art and lifestyles of the Roman Empire? C. In what ways did Roman buildings differ from Greek structures, both architecturally and politically? (60 points possible)
EXTRA CREDIT: Discuss: a) why Christianity became so widespread throughout the Roman Empire; b) which Roman building type Early Christian architects looked to for inspiration in the design of their new churches; c) why they selected this particular Roman building to emulate (copy); and d) how Early Christians changed this building type to better suit their needs for Christian worship (5 points possible).