250-300 personally tailored unique words in a formatted Word document must be tu

250-300 personally tailored unique words in a formatted Word document must be tu

250-300 personally tailored unique words in a formatted Word document must be turned in on Canvas under Assignments using 12 point font and double spacing. Please write a legal memo and you must use the IRAC format described on Page 16 of your text. This means at least four paragraphs that are titled for the MANDATORY IRAC acronym ( you must see Modules on Canvas or click this link for additional instruction regarding IRAC). YOU MUST FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS PROVIDED IN THIS BLUE LINK ABOUT IRAC OR YOU WILL LOSE POINTS.This is not an essay about how you feel, it is about making a case or advocating for your chosen client using the law. This fact pattern may contain several legal issues. Limit your memo to 1 issue according to your word count. Only relevant facts to your chosen issue should be included in the fact/issue section of your memo- this will keep this section short. Keep in mind that a well- reasoned legal argument always points out the merits of the opposing case and then differentiates that argument by using facts and law to support the client’s position. YOU must include the merits of the oppositions case in your memo. A copy of the grading rubric is attached to the syllabus. Only one .doc or .docx type document submission can be accepted via canvas, I cannot accept these assignments any other way since this is a GEA or GL assignment to be separately graded on Canvas by Tampa.
Step 2: Carefully read, assume and analyze this fact set:
CAL hospital group owns the majority of all the private hospitals in the State of CALYORK. In the midst of the Covid pandemic it has mandated, with the assistance of the Hospital workers union, that represents all hospital workers except the Physicians, that all hospital employees must be vaccinated twice and boosted twice by March 1, 2024. After this date all employees out of compliance will be terminated. The hospital group treats about 55% of the CALYORK hospitalized citizens on an annual basis. The hospital is currently working with 70% of the staff that is typically required to maintain full operations of its facilities.
The employees all worked diligently through 2020 – 2022 treating all patients at the hospitals, prior to vaccine availability. Many (80%), including some fully vaccinated and boosted, are protesting and are threatening to walk out on March 1st if the employer does not eliminate the mandate. All claim that their health records are protected under HIPPA laws and their employer has no right to review those records. Some claim they have medical or religious reasons for not submitting to a vaccine. A large majority out of conformity with all 4 jabs, claim they have been infected with Covid, recovered and have antibody tests showing that their immunity levels exceed typical vaccine immunity by 17 times. Those having recovered from Covid with 1-3 of jabs have 17-27 times the immunity over the fully vaccinated. A small minority are simply fearful of the short and long term side effects regarding fertility, heart disease, auto immune diseases. These hospital workers are acutely aware that the vaccine has proven to neither prevent Covid infection, nor prevent the spread of the infection. In other words, history has shown that the vaccinated and unvaccinated alike may contract Covid or any variants known to date and may both also be contagious carriers of the disease or the variants known to date. They are also aware of the various treatments that have been successful on patients treated early in the diagnosis. Many of these treatments include inexpensive generic medications (now banned in the state of CALYORK by political leaders) as well as expensive newly patented medications and antibody infusions.
Issue 1: In the interim, the employees have brought an invasion of privacy, religious discrimination, and wrongful termination lawsuit against the CAL hospital group.
Issue 2: CALYORK will be revoking the license and criminally prosecuting all physicians who voiced skepticism about the safety or efficacy of the vaccine for everyone and those physicians who publicly suggested that early, successful treatments could be obtained by practicing physicians outside of the highly regulated CALYORK hospital system. The State of CALYORK claims that any physician advice that is contrary to the governments vaccination, mask and treatment mandate is inciting the public to behave recklessly with their health and that those physicians are spreading “misinformation” intentionally, therefore these physicians should be jailed.
For Spring 2024 everyone will address this Issue. Issue 3: The state of CALYORK requires all employees to relinquish 10% of their paycheck each pay period to the union in order to maintain their employment status. This is referred to as an “union shop” state. Many states do not have this mandate for workers, those are “right to work states or open shop states”. The employees would like to have the state union dues mandate removed since their union has acquiesced to mandates imposed by the employer without a majority vote of its members. The employees feel that the union is not protecting their jobs or representing their best interest. The Anti- dues employee group will bring a lawsuit against the Union and state claiming that the 10% payment violates their 1st amendment right to speech, association and contract as well as their 5th amendment right to due process and property.
Step 3: Write a Legal Argument
This fact pattern includes three issues. Address only issue 3. Then pick which side you will represent. You may either represent the CAL Hospital group (employer) or the CAL employee group for the first mandate issue. For the second issue you may choose to represent the practicing physicians who have advised patients against vaccine or provided early treatments to their covid patients or the State. For the third issue you may choose to represent either the Union or the anti-dues employees represented by the Union that do not want to pay their dues in the suit against the CALYORK statute. Pick only one issue
Use the IRAC memo method to write your legally supported memo. Your feelings are not relevant in this exercise and while a feeling argument may win the case in the District of CALYORK ( California and New York both have similar issues as the facts presented here) , it will not stand on appeal to the Supreme Court where you must use the existing law to support your position. You will receive zero points for failing to use the IRAC format.

In business, feedback from customers is critical to advancing products and servi

In business, feedback from customers is critical to advancing products and servi

In business, feedback from customers is critical to advancing products and services and staying current with trends. It also creates a bridge between the company and its target market. It is no less truer in education. This course is under continuous development, based in large part on the feedback you provide.
The Discussion AssignmentSee Module Eight Discussion Forum for more topic information.Grading CriteriaYour initial post should have a minimum of 150 words and must not exceed 250 words. Return to the discussion later in the week and respond to postings of a minimum of two classmates on two other days with a range of 75 to 150 words per response. This means you must post on three separate days to be eligible for maximum credit.You will be graded on content, grammar, and timeliness. It is critical that you submit three posts (your initial post and two replies) even if your initial submission is late. Twenty points will be deducted for each missing post. Failure to provide an initial post will result in a zero grade. All discussion threads will appear once you’ve submitted your initial post.

I will send you a link to access the textbook that contains the Chapter 27 and C

I will send you a link to access the textbook that contains the Chapter 27 and C

I will send you a link to access the textbook that contains the Chapter 27 and Chapter 28 readings.
Using these materials, answer questions (case problems) 2-15 for EACH chapter (Questions 2-15 for Chapter 27 and Questions 2-15 for Chapter 28). Answers should include in-text chapter citations (for example: Chap 1, pg 34, Par 8) indicating the textbook’s statements as your legal defense of your answers. I have attached a document that contains what your answers should look like. Follow these instructions exactly. This is a strict requirement.
Please provide the answers in a separate document for the chapters. For example, all of the Chapter 27 answers should be on one document, and all of the Chapter 28 answers should be on another document.

The purpose of this assignment is to apply legal and ethical analysis to importa

The purpose of this assignment is to apply legal and ethical analysis to importa

The purpose of this assignment is to apply legal and ethical analysis to important employment or labor issues and use that analysis to develop recommendations for the implementation of legally and ethically proper employment practices in a business.
Refer to the concepts presented in Chapters 18 and 19 of the textbook to address the questions related to the Part 1 Essay and the Part 2 Memo. Your instructor will provide you with the prompts to be used for each part.
Part 1 Prompt – Essay: Legal Issues Relating to Employment, Labor, or Employment Law
Part 2 Prompt – Memo: Advising on Employment Law Issues
Part 1 should have a minimum of 750 words. Part 2 should have a minimum of 500 words. The total minimum word count for this assignment is 1,250 words.

Please carefully read the following directions. For this week, you are required

Please carefully read the following directions.
For this week, you are required

Please carefully read the following directions.
For this week, you are required to answer all of the questions below.
You should have all of the following:
(A) 1 (one) Primary Posting answering each of the questions below by Due Thursday at 11:59 pm. Each question should have at least 7 meaningful sentences that are professionally written. Important -List the questions above your answer.
(B) 2 (two) Follow up reply postings to your classmates with at least 7 meaningful sentences that are also professionally written. Reply to any 2 of your classmates postings for this week stating your opinion. Do you agree with them?, do you have a similar story, etc. Also 7 meaningful Sentences each. Due by Saturday at 11:59 pm.
In total a minimum of 3 postings are required (1 + 2). You can however write additional reply postings if you desire.
(C) Don’t copy from the book or the internet. Plagiarism and AI Generation will result in an F grade
(D) Feel free to list personal experiences that you have had, or those of your friends and family.
(E) It is clear when students put time into their postings and those that rush them. The discussion forum is equivalent to attending class. Postings cannot be made up in subsequent weeks.
(F) Discussion postings are graded. Please see the posted rubric in the syllabus. If the above are followed you will receive full points.
(G) Not completing 2 reply postings results in a 50% point deduction, not completing the Discussion Forum results in a -100% penalty.
Discussion Question 1
Read Ch 1 then Answer the following question.
1. The first Amendment protects free speech.
So, are you free to express yourself by wearing a T shirt that has profanity and some vulgar words Explain? (Remember, despite your opinion, I am looking for the law, look online or throughout your book to write what the law states, even if it differs from your personal views) Simply stating what you believe without any facts or references, will result in 0 points. Remember , not to copy , please put in your own words and cite if necessary.
(Please don’t post profanity, you use ****** in place of letters if necessary)
2. Regarding lawyers, suing and the court system, Do you think that we live in a society that sues each other too much?
Why or Why not?
3. What is your opinion of all the billboards and TV commercials we see and hear for attorneys?
(Note before completing this , you may want to listen to the posted optional audio lectures)
Short posting will receive 0 points
Students that write 7 or more meaningful sentences for each posting (Primary and Reply) typically score 100%
Students that write the bare minimum either get 0 points, or major points deducted.

Please carefully read the following directions. For this week, you are required

Please carefully read the following directions.
For this week, you are required

Please carefully read the following directions.
For this week, you are required to answer all of the questions below.
You should have all of the following:
(A) 1 (one) Primary Posting answering each of the questions below by Due Thursday at 11:59 pm. Each question should have at least 7 meaningful sentences that are professionally written. Important -List the questions above your answer.
(B) 2 (two) Follow up reply postings to your classmates with at least 7 meaningful sentences that are also professionally written. Reply to any 2 of your classmates postings for this week stating your opinion. Do you agree with them?, do you have a similar story, etc. Also 7 meaningful Sentences each. Due by Saturday at 11:59 pm.
In total a minimum of 3 postings are required (1 + 2). You can however write additional reply postings if you desire.
(C) Don’t copy from the book or the internet. Plagiarism and AI Generation will result in an F grade
(D) Feel free to list personal experiences that you have had, or those of your friends and family.
(E) It is clear when students put time into their postings and those that rush them. The discussion forum is equivalent to attending class. Postings cannot be made up in subsequent weeks.
(F) Discussion postings are graded. Please see the posted rubric in the syllabus. If the above are followed you will receive full points.
(G) Not completing 2 reply postings results in a 50% point deduction, not completing the Discussion Forum results in a -100% penalty.
Discussion Question 1
Read Ch 1 then Answer the following question.
1. The first Amendment protects free speech.
So, are you free to express yourself by wearing a T shirt that has profanity and some vulgar words Explain? (Remember, despite your opinion, I am looking for the law, look online or throughout your book to write what the law states, even if it differs from your personal views) Simply stating what you believe without any facts or references, will result in 0 points. Remember , not to copy , please put in your own words and cite if necessary.
(Please don’t post profanity, you use ****** in place of letters if necessary)
2. Regarding lawyers, suing and the court system, Do you think that we live in a society that sues each other too much?
Why or Why not?
3. What is your opinion of all the billboards and TV commercials we see and hear for attorneys?
(Note before completing this , you may want to listen to the posted optional audio lectures)
Short posting will receive 0 points
Students that write 7 or more meaningful sentences for each posting (Primary and Reply) typically score 100%
Students that write the bare minimum either get 0 points, or major points deducted.

The discussion post topic for Module 5 is focused on non-compete agreements, spe

The discussion post topic for Module 5 is focused on non-compete agreements, spe

The discussion post topic for Module 5 is focused on non-compete agreements, specifically from Chapter 14, Section 14-2a in the textbook.
Module 5 Discussion Topic:
Conduct some research (textbook and external research) on the topic of Non-Compete agreements. From your research and learning, please share the following information with your classmates:
What surprised you the most about non-compete agreements?
Do you consider non-compete agreements ethical or unethical being true restraint of trade? Share with the class your reasons why non-compete agreements are either ethical or unethical. Just providing statements like “they are ethical or unethical” without any substance behind that qualifying statement is not acceptable.
If you owned a business, how would you draft a non-compete agreement to protect your company’s interest? What restrictions would you consider to be not too onerous or restricting on employees who leave the company?

Your paper is to be typed and double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font. You

Your paper is to be typed and double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font. You

Your paper is to be typed and double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font. Your paper will be at least 3 pages in length. The subject of your paper will be a legal dispute or controversy involving your professional area of interest (accounting, marketing, graphic design, leadership, etc.). You will research the dispute, identify the legal issue and any applicable law, describe the ultimate outcome and include a proposal as to how the issue could have been avoided and/or better handled by the business. I do pay attention to grammar and sentence structure, as it is necessary for good business writing. Your paper will be graded based on these subcategories: 1) Format, Grammar, and Writing Skills; 2) Depth; 3) Use of Research (and proper credit given); and 4) Consistency and Flow.

Your paper is to be typed and double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font. You

Your paper is to be typed and double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font. You

Your paper is to be typed and double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font. Your paper will be at least 3 pages in length. The subject of your paper will be a legal dispute or controversy involving your professional area of interest (accounting, marketing, graphic design, leadership, etc.). You will research the dispute, identify the legal issue and any applicable law, describe the ultimate outcome and include a proposal as to how the issue could have been avoided and/or better handled by the business. I do pay attention to grammar and sentence structure, as it is necessary for good business writing. Your paper will be graded based on these subcategories: 1) Format, Grammar, and Writing Skills; 2) Depth; 3) Use of Research (and proper credit given); and 4) Consistency and Flow.

Your paper is to be typed and double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font. You

Your paper is to be typed and double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font. You

Your paper is to be typed and double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font. Your paper will be at least 3 pages in length. The subject of your paper will be a legal dispute or controversy involving your professional area of interest (accounting, marketing, graphic design, leadership, etc.). You will research the dispute, identify the legal issue and any applicable law, describe the ultimate outcome and include a proposal as to how the issue could have been avoided and/or better handled by the business. I do pay attention to grammar and sentence structure, as it is necessary for good business writing. Your paper will be graded based on these subcategories: 1) Format, Grammar, and Writing Skills; 2) Depth; 3) Use of Research (and proper credit given); and 4) Consistency and Flow.