Please carefully read the following directions. For this week, you are required

Please carefully read the following directions.
For this week, you are required

Please carefully read the following directions.
For this week, you are required to answer all of the questions below.
You should have all of the following:
(A) 1 (one) Primary Posting answering each of the questions below by Due Thursday at 11:59 pm. Each question should have at least 7 meaningful sentences that are professionally written. Important -List the questions above your answer.
(B) 2 (two) Follow up reply postings to your classmates with at least 7 meaningful sentences that are also professionally written. Reply to any 2 of your classmates postings for this week stating your opinion. Do you agree with them?, do you have a similar story, etc. Also 7 meaningful Sentences each. Due by Saturday at 11:59 pm.
In total a minimum of 3 postings are required (1 + 2). You can however write additional reply postings if you desire.
(C) Don’t copy from the book or the internet. Plagiarism and AI Generation will result in an F grade
(D) Feel free to list personal experiences that you have had, or those of your friends and family.
(E) It is clear when students put time into their postings and those that rush them. The discussion forum is equivalent to attending class. Postings cannot be made up in subsequent weeks.
(F) Discussion postings are graded. Please see the posted rubric in the syllabus. If the above are followed you will receive full points.
(G) Not completing 2 reply postings results in a 50% point deduction, not completing the Discussion Forum results in a -100% penalty.
Discussion Question 1
Read Ch 1 then Answer the following question.
1. The first Amendment protects free speech.
So, are you free to express yourself by wearing a T shirt that has profanity and some vulgar words Explain? (Remember, despite your opinion, I am looking for the law, look online or throughout your book to write what the law states, even if it differs from your personal views) Simply stating what you believe without any facts or references, will result in 0 points. Remember , not to copy , please put in your own words and cite if necessary.
(Please don’t post profanity, you use ****** in place of letters if necessary)
2. Regarding lawyers, suing and the court system, Do you think that we live in a society that sues each other too much?
Why or Why not?
3. What is your opinion of all the billboards and TV commercials we see and hear for attorneys?
(Note before completing this , you may want to listen to the posted optional audio lectures)
Short posting will receive 0 points
Students that write 7 or more meaningful sentences for each posting (Primary and Reply) typically score 100%
Students that write the bare minimum either get 0 points, or major points deducted.