Discussion Board Purpose: Learning to design the database. Discussion Topic: As

Discussion Board
Learning to design the database.
Discussion Topic:

Discussion Board
Learning to design the database.
Discussion Topic:
As we explore the world of database systems, let’s investigate the various phases involved in the process of database design. What are the key steps and considerations in each phase, starting from conceptualization to implementation? Please share examples or case studies that illustrate the significance of each phase in creating a well-structured and efficient database. Moreover, how do these design phases contribute to the overall success of database systems in terms of performance, scalability, and data integrity?
Submission Instructions
Post your responses on this topic on the blackboard.
You are required to write at least ONE original post and ONE response commenting on the posts uploaded by your friends.
Total Marks Allotted: 4 Marks
Due Date: 13th, February 2024
Marking Criteria
For your Original Post, including examples: 1.5 post + 1.5 examples
For your one response: 1 (for meaningful feedback to at least one classmate

Fundamentals of Databases (IT-403) Discussion Board Purpose: Learning to de

Fundamentals of Databases (IT-403)
Discussion Board

Learning to de

Fundamentals of Databases (IT-403)
Discussion Board

Learning to design the database.
Discussion Topic:
As we explore the world of database systems, let’s investigate the various phases involved in the process of database design. What are the key steps and considerations in each phase, starting from conceptualization to implementation? Please share examples or case studies that illustrate the significance of each phase in creating a well-structured and efficient database. Moreover, how do these design phases contribute to the overall success of database systems in terms of performance, scalability, and data integrity?
Submission Instructions
Post your responses on this topic on the blackboard.
You are required to write at least ONE original post and ONE response commenting on the posts uploaded by your friends.
Total Marks Allotted: 4 Marks
Due Date: 13th, February 2024

Marking Criteria
For your Original Post, including examples: 1.5 post + 1.5 examples
For your one response: 1 (for meaningful feedback to at least one classmate)

Overview You have a job interview. They have given you the task of writing a sum

You have a job interview. They have given you the task of writing a sum

You have a job interview. They have given you the task of writing a summary that explains how you would write a report for one of their clients. They also want you to give a brief explanation justifying the approach you took.
The potential employer would like you to use a data set called FleetMaintenanceRecords to complete an analysis of data and summarize your findings using clear language for a nontechnical audience. They’ve asked you to find themes that can be used to help them manage their fleet of trucks. Create a summary of the analysis you conducted that you would use to communicate the findings to stakeholders. Place the deliverables for your instructor and the potential employer in the Analysis and Summary Template.
Analyze the data you’ve been provided to identify themes. Gather the following guiding information:
Review part-replacement frequencies and types and create a hypothesis that can be used by the fleet management team to better deal with vehicle maintenance. You’ll need to create a table called Parts Maintenance and load the data into it. Put this table in the database named after yourself. Load this data set from the ‘/home/codio/workspace’ path and run queries to find the results.
Which parts are being replaced most?
Is there a region of the country that experiences more part failures and replacements than others?
Can you identify a region (Northeast, Southeast, Midwest, Northwest, Southwest) that has more reasons for replacement? Use the Region Definitions sheet to identify states in each region.
How might the fleet maintenance team use the information to update its maintenance schedule? Your response should be supported by the data you’ve found.
Which parts are being replaced most due to corrosion or rust?
Which parts are being replaced because of mechanical failure, like a flat tire or rock through the windshield?
Write a brief summary of your analysis that takes the information from Step 1 and presents it in a way that nontechnical stakeholders can understand.
Outline the approach that you took to conduct the analysis.
What queries did you use to identify trends or themes in the data?
What are the benefits of using these queries to retrieve the information in a way that allows you to provide valuable information to your stakeholders?
Lastly, explain how the functions in the analysis tool (MySQL) allowed you to organize the data and retrieve records quickly.
What to Submit
Submit your responses using the Analysis and Summary Template. Each screenshot and its explanation should be sized to approximately one quarter of the page, with a description written below the screenshot. After you download the template, rename your copy by adding your last name to its file name. This will help organize your work once it has been submitted.
Supporting Materials
The following resource supports your work on this assignment:
Document: Region Definitions
Use the definitions of United States regions in this document to assist with this activity.

Overview In this activity, you’ll answer the questions by summarizing the result

In this activity, you’ll answer the questions by summarizing the result

In this activity, you’ll answer the questions by summarizing the results, analyzing the data, and using the information gathered.
Your team has been given several data sets in order to analyze information and summarize the findings. These are in the form of simple return merchandise authorizations (RMAs). Your task is to write brief summaries that show the results of the analysis to present to the product manager, who may or may not have a technical background. This is why you should write the summaries for an audience of nontechnical stakeholders.
Write a detailed summary of your analysis of the items below. Prepare your summary for nontechnical stakeholders. Use the list below to guide the structure and organization of your report.
Write SQL commands that capture specific, usable data that can be used in your analysis.
Analyze the results of queries to identify specific information that can be presented in your summary.
Sales by region:Analyze sales data by state to determine where the company has the largest customer base.
Analyze the data to determine the top three products sold in the United States.
Analyze the data to determine the top three products sold in the southeastern region of the United States.
Southeastern states to include in your analysis: Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia
Returns by region:Analyze the data to determine the top three products returned in the United States.
Analyze the data to determine the top three products returned in the northwestern region of the United States.
Northwestern states to include in your analysis: Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Montana
Write a report to the Quantigration product manager that explains your findings in a way nontechnical stakeholders can digest and use.
This report should include an effective summary of the analysis of the captured data.
Sales data by region: Provide a well-written summary of your analysis on Part A.
Returns data by region: Provide a well-written summary of your analysis of Part B.
What to Submit
Submit your report as a Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Any references cited must be in APA format. Consult the Academic Support module in your course for more information on citations.

Overview It’s now time to populate the QuantigrationRMA database from the Module

It’s now time to populate the QuantigrationRMA database from the Module

It’s now time to populate the QuantigrationRMA database from the Module Three major activity with records and run some basic queries against those tables. You’ll need to import data from the CSV data files into the tables, perform queries against those tables, and create an output listing to the screen of the query results.
Description of QuantigrationRMA Entity Relationship Diagram
An entity relationship diagram (ERD) is a visual representation of a database’s objects and relationships between those objects. It is a blueprint for creating a database, its tables (entities), and their attributes (fields). It also shows the data types and the relationships between entities (cardinality constraints) and keys in each table. In our example, we have three tables named customers, orders, and rma. These tables are the boxes that have several fields such as FirstName, LastName, OrderID, and so on. Each table also contains a primary key denoted by “PK” on the ERD. There is a standard notation called crow’s feet that shows the connection between tables. These lines represent different entity relation types such as one-to-one (1:1) or one-to-many (1:N), as visually depicted in the ERD.
In the Module Three Major Activity, you created a customer return merchandise authorization (RMA) database using SQL commands. To complete your objectives in this activity, follow these directions:
Before you begin, do the following:Make sure to download the Module Four Major Activity Database Documentation Template for this assignment. You’ll need to place your answers and screenshots in this document and then submit it for grading.
Check the Database Documentation Template Example for clarity on expectations of what yours should look like.
Make sure to review the example RMA ERD that you should be using as a guide before you begin.
Review the module resources on how to capture screenshots, if necessary.
Please note before you begin that the three data files being used for this project are preloaded into Codio:
Import the data from each file into tables.
Use the QuantigrationRMA database, the three tables you created, and the three CSV files preloaded into Codio.
Use the import utility of your database program to load the data from each file into the table of the same name. You’ll perform this step three times, once for each table.
Write basic queries against imported tables to organize and analyze targeted data.
For each query, include a screenshot of the query and its output. You should also include a 1- to 3-sentence description of the output.
Write an SQL query that returns the count of orders for customers located only in the city of Framingham, Massachusetts.
This query will use a table join between the Customers and Orders tables. The query will also use a WHERE clause.
How many records were returned?
Write an SQL query to select all of the customers located in the state of Massachusetts.
Use a WHERE clause to limit the number of records in the customers table to only those that are located in Massachusetts.
Record an answer to the following question: How many records were returned?
Write an SQL query to insert four new records into the Orders and Customers tables using the following data:Customers Table CustomerIDFirstNameLastNameStreetAddressCityStateZip CodeTelephone
100004 LukeSkywalker17 Maiden LaneNew YorkNY10222212-555-1234
100005WinstonSmith128 Sycamore Street GreensboroNC27401919-555-6623
100006MaryAnneJenkins2 Coconut WayJupiterFL33458321-555-8907
100007JanetWilliams58 Redondo Beach BlvdTorrenceCA90501310-555-5678
Orders TableOrderIDCustomerIDSKUDescription
1204305 100004ADV-24-10C Advanced Switch 10GigE Copper 24 port
1204306100005ADV-48-10F Advanced Switch 10 GigE Copper/Fiber 44 port copper 4 port fiber
1204307100006ENT-24-10F Enterprise Switch 10GigE SFP+ 24 Port
1204308100007ENT-48-10F Enterprise Switch 10GigE SFP+ 48 port
In the Customers table, perform a query to count all records where the city is Woonsocket and the state is Rhode Island.
How many records are in the customers table where the field “city” equals “Woonsocket”?
In the RMA database, update a customer’s records.
Write an SQL statement to select the current fields of status and step for the record in the RMA table with an OrderID value of “5175.”
What are the current status and step?
Write an SQL statement to update the status and step for the OrderID, 5175 to status = “Complete” and step = “Credit Customer Account.”
What are the updated status and step values for this record? Provide a screenshot of your work.
Delete RMA records.
Write an SQL statement to delete all records with a reason of “Rejected.”
How many records were deleted? Provide a screenshot of your work.
Create an output file of the required query results.Write an SQL statement to list the contents of the orders table and send the output to a file that has a .csv extension.
What to Submit
Submit your responses in the Module Four Major Activity Database Documentation Template. All of your answers should go in the correct locations in that document and then be submitted for grading and feedback. Each screenshot and its explanation should be sized to approximately one quarter of the page, with a description written below the screenshot. This activity and the feedback from it will directly connect to the second step in Project One.
Supporting Materials
The following resources support your work on the project:
Document: Database Documentation Template Example
Use this document for expectations of what your assignment should look like.
Document: Quantigration RMA Diagram
Make sure to review the example RMA entity relationship diagram (ERD) that you should be using as a guide before you begin. A text version is also available: Quantigration RMA ERD Text Version.

Purpose The purpose of discussion board activity is familiarized student with th

The purpose of discussion board activity is familiarized student with th

The purpose of discussion board activity is familiarized student with the significance of Enterprise Systems.
Action Items
· Access the discussion forum for this assignment by clicking on the discussion forum title.
· Click on “Create Thread.”
· Enter a title for your response in the “Subject” line.
· Type your response into the message field to the following discussion prompt:
Discussion Question:
Enterprise systems play a pivotal role in enhancing business processes. Give any three reasons if you agree or disagree by using your own words.
Submission Instructions
· Post your responses, examples, ideas, and discussions on this topic on blackboard.
· Respond to two other classmates’ postings by critically reviewing your classmate’s answer and stating which points you agree or disagree with.
· Short responses such as “I agree”, “I disagree”, “You are right”, “Very good answer”, etc., are NOT acceptable. You need to be critical with some substance.
· Post your answer and your comments on your classmates on or before 02/12/2024 @ 11:59 PM.
Grading Criteria (4 Mark)
3 marks: for posting your answer.
0.5 mark: for each response to another classmate posting (2 * 0.5= 1 mark)
Important notice
A copy/paste from the Internet will lead to a ZERO mark.

ZIP FILE https://we.tl/t-g4QvmVfVJz Thus far, we have exclusively been working w

ZIP FILE https://we.tl/t-g4QvmVfVJz
Thus far, we have exclusively been working w

ZIP FILE https://we.tl/t-g4QvmVfVJz
Thus far, we have exclusively been working with vector data. In Module 5, you also learned about raster data models. In this lab, we will explore how we use raster data in a GIS, and how we layer different types of data on top of one another to produce a map. Additionally, we will take a closer look at map elements and the design choices that go into them.
In Module 5, we also discussed map analysis. In this lab, you will have the chance to analyze each other’s’ maps and learn from the analyses your peers do of your map.
As we build those skills, we will also be exploring a real-world geographic question:
How is climate change distributed across the US?
In the lab, we will consider how average temperature is changing and where we see particularly pronounced temperature increases and decreases.
The mapping component of this lab should take approximately 2 hours to complete. The map analysis component of this lab should take approximately 1 hour to complete. This lab is worth 60 points.
Evidence of skill development will be assessed on:
Submit one map made using QGIS. (Required – 30 points)
Once you have submitted your map, you are asked to analyze the maps of two of your self-chosen peers. For each map, please consider the map and draft a 150-300 word response that answers the following questions:
What is the argument of this map?
How can you tell?
What map elements/components support the argument?
What doesn’t support the argument? Why?
NOTE: Please try to comment on maps that have not yet been commented on or maps that have fewer comments. Piling up and homogenizing comments can lead to a loss in post-reviewer scores. The deadline for peer reviews is Feb. 8th, 5 pm (two days after the due of the lab 5 map).

Overview It’s now time to populate the QuantigrationRMA database from the Module

It’s now time to populate the QuantigrationRMA database from the Module

It’s now time to populate the QuantigrationRMA database from the Module Three major activity with records and run some basic queries against those tables. You’ll need to import data from the CSV data files into the tables, perform queries against those tables, and create an output listing to the screen of the query results.
Description of QuantigrationRMA Entity Relationship Diagram
An entity relationship diagram (ERD) is a visual representation of a database’s objects and relationships between those objects. It is a blueprint for creating a database, its tables (entities), and their attributes (fields). It also shows the data types and the relationships between entities (cardinality constraints) and keys in each table. In our example, we have three tables named customers, orders, and rma. These tables are the boxes that have several fields such as FirstName, LastName, OrderID, and so on. Each table also contains a primary key denoted by “PK” on the ERD. There is a standard notation called crow’s feet that shows the connection between tables. These lines represent different entity relation types such as one-to-one (1:1) or one-to-many (1:N), as visually depicted in the ERD.
In the Module Three Major Activity, you created a customer return merchandise authorization (RMA) database using SQL commands. To complete your objectives in this activity, follow these directions:
Before you begin, do the following:Make sure to download the Module Four Major Activity Database Documentation Template for this assignment. You’ll need to place your answers and screenshots in this document and then submit it for grading.
Check the Database Documentation Template Example for clarity on expectations of what yours should look like.
Make sure to review the example RMA ERD that you should be using as a guide before you begin.
Review the module resources on how to capture screenshots, if necessary.
Please note before you begin that the three data files being used for this project are preloaded into Codio:
Import the data from each file into tables.
Use the QuantigrationRMA database, the three tables you created, and the three CSV files preloaded into Codio.
Use the import utility of your database program to load the data from each file into the table of the same name. You’ll perform this step three times, once for each table.
Write basic queries against imported tables to organize and analyze targeted data.
For each query, include a screenshot of the query and its output. You should also include a 1- to 3-sentence description of the output.
Write an SQL query that returns the count of orders for customers located only in the city of Framingham, Massachusetts.
This query will use a table join between the Customers and Orders tables. The query will also use a WHERE clause.
How many records were returned?
Write an SQL query to select all of the customers located in the state of Massachusetts.
Use a WHERE clause to limit the number of records in the customers table to only those that are located in Massachusetts.
Record an answer to the following question: How many records were returned?
Write an SQL query to insert four new records into the Orders and Customers tables using the following data:Customers Table CustomerIDFirstNameLastNameStreetAddressCityStateZip CodeTelephone
100004 LukeSkywalker17 Maiden LaneNew YorkNY10222212-555-1234
100005WinstonSmith128 Sycamore Street GreensboroNC27401919-555-6623
100006MaryAnneJenkins2 Coconut WayJupiterFL33458321-555-8907
100007JanetWilliams58 Redondo Beach BlvdTorrenceCA90501310-555-5678
Orders TableOrderIDCustomerIDSKUDescription
1204305 100004ADV-24-10C Advanced Switch 10GigE Copper 24 port
1204306100005ADV-48-10F Advanced Switch 10 GigE Copper/Fiber 44 port copper 4 port fiber
1204307100006ENT-24-10F Enterprise Switch 10GigE SFP+ 24 Port
1204308100007ENT-48-10F Enterprise Switch 10GigE SFP+ 48 port
In the Customers table, perform a query to count all records where the city is Woonsocket and the state is Rhode Island.
How many records are in the customers table where the field “city” equals “Woonsocket”?
In the RMA database, update a customer’s records.
Write an SQL statement to select the current fields of status and step for the record in the RMA table with an OrderID value of “5175.”
What are the current status and step?
Write an SQL statement to update the status and step for the OrderID, 5175 to status = “Complete” and step = “Credit Customer Account.”
What are the updated status and step values for this record? Provide a screenshot of your work.
Delete RMA records.
Write an SQL statement to delete all records with a reason of “Rejected.”
How many records were deleted? Provide a screenshot of your work.
Create an output file of the required query results.Write an SQL statement to list the contents of the orders table and send the output to a file that has a .csv extension.
What to Submit
Submit your responses in the Module Four Major Activity Database Documentation Template. All of your answers should go in the correct locations in that document and then be submitted for grading and feedback. Each screenshot and its explanation should be sized to approximately one quarter of the page, with a description written below the screenshot. This activity and the feedback from it will directly connect to the second step in Project One.
Supporting Materials
The following resources support your work on the project:
Document: Database Documentation Template Example
Use this document for expectations of what your assignment should look like.
Document: Quantigration RMA Diagram
Make sure to review the example RMA entity relationship diagram (ERD) that you should be using as a guide before you begin. A text version is also available: Quantigration RMA ERD Text Version.

Overview It is important to continuously review information because it changes s

It is important to continuously review information because it changes s

It is important to continuously review information because it changes so quickly. Data analysts and scientists must be able to add or delete records because of the changing nature of information. People benefit from working with data by seeing relationships that exist between different entities. For example, manufacturers might want to identify why their equipment came back, where it came from, how long customers took to return it, or many other factors.
In this lab, you’ll be using an existing database that is preloaded into Codio from MySQLTutorial.org. You’ll need to compare records from different locations, identify cardinality, delete records, and reflect on the value of these skills. You’ll also need to explain how cardinality can be applied and what its benefits are. All your screenshots and written responses must be placed in the Cardinality and Targeted Data Template from the What to Submit section.
MySQLTutorial. (n.d.). MySQL sample database classicmodels [Data file]. MySQLTutorial. https://www.mysqltutorial.org/mysql-sample-databas…
Before you begin, load the “classicmodels” data set:
Reading: Import CSV File Into MySQL Table
This resource discusses the process of creating a table with the necessary data types, fields, and their lengths so that information can be imported for querying. As you read, consider the following:
How do you properly size a VARCHAR?
How do you identify all of the column types that need to be in the table?
Start a terminal session and run this command: mysqlsampledatabase.sql
Write commands to use the classicmodels database and show its tables to verify that you’re in the right place.
Retrieve employee tuples and identify the number of employees in San Francisco and New York.
Command for San Francisco: select firstName, lastName, jobTitle, offices.city from employees inner join offices on employees.officeCode = offices.officeCode where state = ‘CA’.
Write and run a command to return records from New York on your own.
Validate the completion of this step with a screenshot of these two tables.
Retrieve order details for orderNumber 10330, 10338, and 10194 and identify what type of cardinality this represents in the entity relationship model.
Retrieve the order details by running SELECT queries with WHERE clauses against the orders table.
Validate the completion of this step with a screenshot.
Then, reference the Module Four Lab ERD to assist in identifying relationships. A version with alternative text is available: Module Four Lab ERD With Alternative Text.
Now, identify what type of cardinality this represents in the entity relationship model.
Delete records from the payments table where the customer number equals 103.
Run a DESCRIBE statement to identify fields in the payments table first.
Select the records from the payments table for customer number 103 before deleting them.
Validate that the above instructions have worked with a screenshot.
Delete the records from the payments table for customer number 103.
Run a SELECT statement against the table to show that customer number 103 is no longer there.
Validate the completion of this step with a screenshot.
Retrieve customer records for sales representative Barry Jones and identify if the relationships are one-to-one or one-to-many.
Remember: SELECT, FROM, Inner Join, and WHERE.
Use Barry’s employeeNumber, 1504, and perform a join between the customer salesRepEmployeeNumber to retrieve these records.
Validate the completion of this step with a screenshot.
Identify whether these entities demonstrate one-to-one or one-to-many relationships.
Retrieve records for customers who reside in Massachusetts and identify their sales rep and the relationship of entities.
Remember: SELECT, FROM, Inner Join, and WHERE.
Use employee.firstName and employee.lastName in your command.
Identify whether these entities demonstrate one-to-one or many-to-many relationships.
Add one customer record with your last name using an INSERT statement.
You may use the name of a celebrity or fictional character if you don’t use your own name. Think of this as your signature.
Complete these actions to get to the right place to enter this information: (1) Show databases, (2) use classicmodels, (3) show tables, (4) describe customers;
You should now be seeing all of the fields that you’ll need to fill in to complete this step.
Reference your Module Two lab or resources on how to populate these fields if you need to.
Fields you’ll need to populate: customerNumber, customerName, contactLastName, contactFirstName, phone, addressLine1, addressLine2, city, state, postalCode, country, salesRepEmployeeNumber, and creditLimit.
Run a SELECT statement on the customers table, capture it in a screenshot, and put it in your template.
Reflection: Use the lab environment or the screenshots you’ve worked with for this step. Address the following in your reflection:
Define how cardinality is applied to the databases you’ve been working with and why different numbers of records returned from the different offices.
Compare and contrast the different queries you ran and how cardinality applies to them.
Describe two of the crucial benefits of cardinality in this type of database.
What to Submit
Submit your responses using the Cardinality and Targeted Data Template. Each screenshot and its explanation should be sized to approximately one quarter of the page, with a description written below the screenshot. After you download it, rename your copy of this document by adding your last name to its file name. This will help organize your work once it has been submitted.