This week, we focus on the Black Experience in Latin America. First, read the

This week, we focus on the Black Experience in Latin America. First, read the

This week, we focus on the Black Experience in Latin America. First, read the article, “The African Presence in Latin America.” 1) Discuss the Maroon Community in Ecuador. Who were the Maroons and what were their contributions?; 2) Review the Afro-Mexico: Black History in Mexico video. What did you learn that you did not know?; 3) Read the story of Audre Lorde. Where did she study in Mexico, and how do you think her experiences studying abroad in Mexico informed her work? 5) How might all this “new” Black Consciousness from this week’s readings/videos influence a student who is planning to study abroad in “Latin” America?
AFRO MEXICO: Black History In Mexico! (
Audre Lorde (

Each Session Long Project (SLP) will ask you to examine a current issue related

Each Session Long Project (SLP) will ask you to examine a current issue related

Each Session Long Project (SLP) will ask you to examine a current issue related to finance and strategic planning in the field of education. The goal is to critically analyze the issue, determine your position on the issue, and discuss how you would manage communicating your position to relevant personnel, community members, students, or other stakeholders.
Compose a 2 page writing with the following components:
Introduction to the issue
State your position on the issue.

Provide a rationale for your position.

Reflect on your current or future role as an educational leader.

Identify a professional role in the field of education that might encounter this issue.
Imagine yourself in that role and respond to the following questions:

Who is impacted the most by your position on this issue?
How will you communicate your position, and what factors are important to consider in your message, so they understand and support the rationale for your position?

  Case Study Please read the case study on page 31 of your text and answer  ques

Case Study
Please read the case study on page 31 of your text and answer  ques

Case Study
Please read the case study on page 31 of your text and answer  questions thoughtfully. Please use one scholarly source to support your  answers.
Justin is an eight-year-old Vietnamese boy who was adopted by his Caucasian parents when he was only three months old. His two older siblings had been born into the family before he was chosen. The sib-lings are both boys, much larger than Justin, and both involved in school sports. Justin wants to follow in their footsteps but fi nds it diffi cult to match their success. In his after-school program, Justin loves to paint and creates some beautiful watercolor paintings that his caregiver dis-plays on the bulletin board. However, Justin still longs to join in when the other children are playing baseball. He is usually the last one to be chosen for a team and is booed or called names when he strikes out. When this happens, he goes back to the bench and appears to be strug-gling to keep from crying. He doesn’t cry, but is reluctant to try again when it is his turn at bat. 
 1.  What do you think are the causes of Justin’s lack of confi dence in his own abilities? What are some things his caregiver can do to help him feel better about himself?  
2.  Are there ways his family can help? 
 3.  What group games could caregivers facilitate that would encour-age teamwork and ultimately help Justin feel a valued part of the team
Personal Reflection
Part 2 
Review the implications for child care staff members (“the children’s attachments to their primary caregivers within the family; the modeling, guidance, and support of parents and teachers; the opportunity to observe peers and interact with them; and children’s  relationships with non-family adults involved in their care and education and those involved in the neighborhood and community in which they spend a large proportion of their time) . What areas are you most interested in  learning more about.
Please write a detailed paragraph of 5-7 well-developed sentences.

q1  Razae is 12 months old and has been placed in foster care since he was four

 Razae is 12 months old and has been placed in foster care since he was four

 Razae is 12 months old and has been placed in foster care since he was four months old. He was prenatally exposed to drugs and was placed in foster care because of domestic violence in the home. Emma and Andrew are the young couple who are providing foster care for the first time. Razae is a very sweet, rambunctious boy who enjoys music and movement. He’s also a great sleeper. Razae has learned how to walk, makes a variety of sounds, and is imitating others’ language  consistently. Based on developmental delays in several domains, Razae qualified for and is receiving home-based early intervention services. He was slow to attach to his foster parents but is now bonding through play and  enjoying skin to skin contact and other attachment-based activities. These are areas that were goals in Razae’s  Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP). He is thriving in this placement. Razae still visits his  maternal grandmother and there is talk of placing him with her in the future. What steps can you take to  support Rasae and his foster parents in the classroom? Be specific about  how you can be involved n supporting goals established through his  IFSP. Discuss with peers.  
Part 1 (20 Points)
Read the case study on p.60 of your text and answer the 3 questions  thoughtfully. Use at least 1 scholarly source to support your answers.
Case Study
Nine-year-old Ian is often called names by some of the other children. They refer to him as “Tubby,” “Fatso,” or “Lardo.” He gets very angry and starts hitting, although sometimes he ends up crying in frustra-tion. His caregiver has noticed that he seems to have an ample supply of snacks that he carries in his backpack—often chips and candy bars. He wants to have those for snack time rather than the food provided by the center. When his request is refused, he stomps away from the table and refuses to eat anything. Occasionally, he is seen sneaking food from his locker.  
1.  How would you respond when Ian stomps away from the table? 
 2.  What can you say to his parents? 
 3.  What can you do to help Ian change his eating pattern at child care?
Part 2 (20 Points)
Review the resource page on Be Active Kids website @
Find 1 resource that you could use to support health and physical activity in your classroom.
Write a brief summary of what you  found and how you will use it. The resource must come from the Be Active  Kids website. Provide a link back to the resource you chose at the end  of the assignment.
complete attachment

  Write a detailed paragraph to answer the following question: Research the requ

Write a detailed paragraph to answer the following question:
Research the requ

Write a detailed paragraph to answer the following question:
Research the requirements for a school-age child care teacher in NC.  Please use the DCDEE childcare handbook, it is located on the DCDEE  website. http://ncchildcare.ncgov/providers/pv_childcarehandbook.asp
Part 2 (20 Points)
Read the case study on page 15 of your text and answer the questions  thoughtfully. Please use at least 1 scholarly source to support your  answers.