For this forum, choose one of the following topics based upon this week’s assign

For this forum, choose one of the following topics based upon this week’s assign

For this forum, choose one of the following topics based upon this week’s assigned readings to respond to for your initial post. Be sure to include pertinent citations from the course textbook were applicable to help you clearly communicate your ideas and help make your major points stick.
When responding to your peers please attempt to respond to at least one learner who has posted who has posted on the topic you did not select to encourage a healthy mixture of ideas.
Topic A: Virtue Ethics
In the Foundations of the Metaphysics of Morals, Kant (whom we will be reading more about this semester) writes that someone who is not inclined to help others, but who forces herself to, performs a morally praiseworthy action. While someone who regularly helps others and enjoys doing so, even if the enjoyment is not selfish, may deserve praise, but her action has no true moral worth. Do you agree with Kant? What reasons can you give for viewing moral acts that are performed merely out of habit as possessing less moral worth than those that require an immense personal effort?
We also saw in this week’s module, that according to Aristotle, for an act to be considered virtuous it must (1) be done for its own sake and (2) the act must follow from a firm disposition, meaning that it must be consistent with the way one usually acts and feels, and not be a one-shot incident. (Giles 30) Do you agree with Aristotle? What are the implications of these conditions on the perspicuity of moral acts, in contrast to Kant’s Deontological theory of right action? Does Aristotle’s Virtue Ethics entail the further possibility that one could live a morally virtuous life and yet not know it? If so, does this pose a problem for Virtue Ethics when viewed as a normative ethical theory? Why or why not?
Be sure to carefully defend your chosen position, citing pertinent sections of the readings for this week to help back up your view.
A minimum of three posts.
The initial forum response is due by Thursday at 11:55 p.m. EST and should be a substantive response to the discussion prompt.
For peer replies, respond to at least two of your classmates by Sunday at 11:55 p.m. EST and give meaningful replies that advance the discussion.
Before you post, please thoroughly edit your writing to ensure it is professional and academic, and includes properly cited MLA citations from our weekly course textbook readings. For more details about the initial post and peer replies are graded, see the attached grading rubric.

For this forum, choose one of the following topics based upon this week’s assign

For this forum, choose one of the following topics based upon this week’s assign

For this forum, choose one of the following topics based upon this week’s assigned readings to respond to for your initial post. Be sure to include pertinent citations from the course textbook were applicable to help you clearly communicate your ideas and help make your major points stick.
When responding to your peers please attempt to respond to at least one learner who has posted who has posted on the topic you did not select to encourage a healthy mixture of ideas.
Topic A: Virtue Ethics
In the Foundations of the Metaphysics of Morals, Kant (whom we will be reading more about this semester) writes that someone who is not inclined to help others, but who forces herself to, performs a morally praiseworthy action. While someone who regularly helps others and enjoys doing so, even if the enjoyment is not selfish, may deserve praise, but her action has no true moral worth. Do you agree with Kant? What reasons can you give for viewing moral acts that are performed merely out of habit as possessing less moral worth than those that require an immense personal effort?
We also saw in this week’s module, that according to Aristotle, for an act to be considered virtuous it must (1) be done for its own sake and (2) the act must follow from a firm disposition, meaning that it must be consistent with the way one usually acts and feels, and not be a one-shot incident. (Giles 30) Do you agree with Aristotle? What are the implications of these conditions on the perspicuity of moral acts, in contrast to Kant’s Deontological theory of right action? Does Aristotle’s Virtue Ethics entail the further possibility that one could live a morally virtuous life and yet not know it? If so, does this pose a problem for Virtue Ethics when viewed as a normative ethical theory? Why or why not?
Be sure to carefully defend your chosen position, citing pertinent sections of the readings for this week to help back up your view.
A minimum of three posts.
The initial forum response is due by Thursday at 11:55 p.m. EST and should be a substantive response to the discussion prompt.
For peer replies, respond to at least two of your classmates by Sunday at 11:55 p.m. EST and give meaningful replies that advance the discussion.
Before you post, please thoroughly edit your writing to ensure it is professional and academic, and includes properly cited MLA citations from our weekly course textbook readings. For more details about the initial post and peer replies are graded, see the attached grading rubric.

Having the ability to synthesize a vast amount of information into a succinct an

Having the ability to synthesize a vast amount of information into a succinct an

Having the ability to synthesize a vast amount of information into a succinct and logical explanation is a skill that is vital not only in graduate school but in any career in the intelligence field. The purpose of this assignment is to help improve your depth of knowledge of the different concepts covered, and to further prepare you to move forward in your scholarship.
For this literature review, you must select to focus on the literature covered during one of the following weeks.
For example, you may focus on the basis of ethics, just war doctrine, ethical legal foundations in intelligence, intelligence oversight and ethics, or ethics and interrogation.
The goal of this literature review is to demonstrate the scope of knowledge that is available on these key topic areas. As such a good literature review is a thoughtful synthesis of important information that pertains to the topic at hand. Literature reviews include a summary and critical assessment of the arguments that exist (including whether or not you agree with them) and are arranged thematically. At the end of your literature review, you should discuss where research should go next. Are you persuaded by the arguments/findings of one author or another? Why? How could the research be improved upon (theoretically, methodologically, relevancy-wise, and etc)? Be sure you present any idea that you might have regarding how you would look at the topic area.
Developing a clear and concise literature review can be challenging. NOTE: Literature reviews can be a bit tricky to write. Check out this video to help you further prepare to write this assignment. This will not be the last time that you are asked to write a literature review in your academic career so it’s important to master this skill. Also, check out the following documents: 1) literature review tip sheet and 2) synthesis matrix. Together these documents will give you everything you need to carry out a successful literature review.
Your literature review must be developed using 15 or more scholarly sources, which should include the assigned readings covered during that week. Within each week there are a number of recommended readings that would serve as an excellent starting point to kick start your research (you should keep in mind that not all of these are available within the online library as this recommended list is simply a list of accumulated knowledge, not knowledge housed within the online library). Regardless of your topic of choice you should conduct an article search within the online library within EBSCO and JStor database, and also conduct a book search to help you develop your literature review.
Format: This assignment should be 8-10 pages in length, not including title and reference page. Your paper should have 1-inch borders on all four sides, use Times New Roman-12 point font, be double spaced, and not have an extra space in between paragraphs. (You may need to turn this off in MS word by going to paragraph and selecting “Don’t add space between paragraphs of the same style). Since this is an INTL course you need to use the Chicago parenthetical citation style with a references page.

Using the material you’ve read so far in the course, write a textbook researched

Using the material you’ve read so far in the course, write a textbook researched

Using the material you’ve read so far in the course, write a textbook researched argumentative paper of 600-800 words in which you accomplish the following:
Part I – Identify a Normative Ethical Theory
(i) Identify one moral theory (e.g. deontology, utilitarianism, virtue ethics, etc.) you plan to learn more about in this course to help guide and reinforce your developing moral value system, and (ii) provide a brief but thorough explanation of that theory drawn from the course readings.
Be sure to include pertinent MLA inline citations of the Ethics textbook to help you accomplish this (this may involve briefly skimming ahead a little bit in the textbook to find out more about the particular theory you are most interested in [at this point]), and explain the main theoretical strengths that draw you to this particular theory.
Then (iii) point to at least one strong objection that this theory sometimes runs into (this can also be found in your textbook), stating whether you see such an objection as seriously damaging to the viability of the theory or not, or whether it is possible to still salvage the most desirable elements of the theory in spite of this particular objection.
Part II – Apply Your Chosen Normative Ethical Theory to an Ethical Dilemma
(i) Identify a contemporary ethical dilemma (this can be either a general humanitarian crisis, or even a personal situation from your own life) and analyze it along the lines of your chosen moral theory from Part I.
If you need some ideas for cases, you may refer to the Markula Center for Applied Ethics for a list of possible cases to analyze.
(ii) Identify what you take to be the main parties (groups, persons) involved in the dilemma, and then (iii) suggest an ethical resolution to the problem that is in line with what that particular moral theory would advise in this specific situation.
Lastly, (iv) assess whether the end result of applying this particular moral theory to this particular moral issue, is morally satisfactory and praiseworthy or not, and explain why that is.
Include a works cited page at the end of your paper.

Using resources provided in this course, evidence from published research, and e

Using resources provided in this course, evidence from published research, and e

Using resources provided in this course, evidence from published research, and ethical principles, students will create an evidence based health care policy brief. The purpose of this brief is to allow students experience with creating a brief that can be given to a policy maker to change current laws or policies of organizations. It is not intended to be a hospital or clinic policy on “how we do this or that procedure”.
Rather, the goal is for students to look at the big picture of policy creation at the state or national level. For example, you may be interested in the limitation of psychotropic medications prescribed to elderly nursing home residents as chemical restraints. In this case, you would create a policy based on the physical and social dangers that these drugs pose to elderly persons and potential solutions to this problem such as mandatory documentation of failed behavioral modification techniques and an evaluation by a licensed psychiatric nurse practitioner or psychiatrist. You could include a requirement for oversight by an existing organization and suggest imposing stiff fines for facilities that do not meet the standards such as removal of Medicare funding. You would present this brief and the elevator speech to the policy maker as part of a visit with them in their district or Lobby Day for your organization in your state capitol or in DC.
This brief will be between one to two pages in length, have at least three peer-reviewed references, and will be composed in APA style. In addition to the brief, students will develop an “elevator speech” for use with policy-makers. This is a concise four or five sentence bullet point summation of the problem, the desired intervention, and the expected outcome of the proposed policy. The paper must follow the format posted on Canvas, and must be written according to APA style, including citation format and references. Please refer to the APA Manual (6th ed.) and/or the website: to an external site.
Students may use the topic from their ethical analysis paper or any of the discussion board case topics for this assignment. If none of these topics are of interest, the student may select another topic as long as it is a nursing problem and there is published research or systematic reviews on the topic. If you are in doubt about your topic, please email me so we can discuss by email, Zoom, or phone.
Example policy briefs are included in this module aimed at national level policies. These briefs are actually Policy Statements or Committee Opinions drafted by a former instructor. These are usually done as a team of two or more professionals. Your assignment is more of short paper but you can use bullet points in APA style so feel free to do that if you like. The Mental Health America policy is written in Yale style which is neither APA of AMA so if the references look unusual that why. The policies from ACNM are written in AMA style so they may look different to you than APA style. Many NP journals use AMA style but at USF, APA is standard. I cannot accept papers that have more than 3 APA, spelling, or grammatical errors. Direct quotes are not used in policy briefs.

Having the ability to synthesize a vast amount of information into a succinct an

Having the ability to synthesize a vast amount of information into a succinct an

Having the ability to synthesize a vast amount of information into a succinct and logical explanation is a skill that is vital not only in graduate school but in any career in the intelligence field. The purpose of this assignment is to help improve your depth of knowledge of the different concepts covered, and to further prepare you to move forward in your scholarship.
For this literature review, you must select to focus on the literature covered during one of the following weeks.
For example, you may focus on the basis of ethics, just war doctrine, ethical legal foundations in intelligence, intelligence oversight and ethics, or ethics and interrogation.
The goal of this literature review is to demonstrate the scope of knowledge that is available on these key topic areas. As such a good literature review is a thoughtful synthesis of important information that pertains to the topic at hand. Literature reviews include a summary and critical assessment of the arguments that exist (including whether or not you agree with them) and are arranged thematically. At the end of your literature review, you should discuss where research should go next. Are you persuaded by the arguments/findings of one author or another? Why? How could the research be improved upon (theoretically, methodologically, relevancy-wise, and etc)? Be sure you present any idea that you might have regarding how you would look at the topic area.
Developing a clear and concise literature review can be challenging. NOTE: Literature reviews can be a bit tricky to write. Check out this video to help you further prepare to write this assignment. This will not be the last time that you are asked to write a literature review in your academic career so it’s important to master this skill. Also, check out the following documents: 1) literature review tip sheet and 2) synthesis matrix. Together these documents will give you everything you need to carry out a successful literature review.
Your literature review must be developed using 15 or more scholarly sources, which should include the assigned readings covered during that week. Within each week there are a number of recommended readings that would serve as an excellent starting point to kick start your research (you should keep in mind that not all of these are available within the online library as this recommended list is simply a list of accumulated knowledge, not knowledge housed within the online library). Regardless of your topic of choice you should conduct an article search within the online library within EBSCO and JStor database, and also conduct a book search to help you develop your literature review.
Format: This assignment should be 8-10 pages in length, not including title and reference page. Your paper should have 1-inch borders on all four sides, use Times New Roman-12 point font, be double spaced, and not have an extra space in between paragraphs. (You may need to turn this off in MS word by going to paragraph and selecting “Don’t add space between paragraphs of the same style). Since this is an INTL course you need to use the Chicago parenthetical citation style with a references page.

Using the material you’ve read so far in the course, write a textbook researched

Using the material you’ve read so far in the course, write a textbook researched

Using the material you’ve read so far in the course, write a textbook researched argumentative paper of 600-800 words in which you accomplish the following:
Part I – Identify a Normative Ethical Theory
(i) Identify one moral theory (e.g. deontology, utilitarianism, virtue ethics, etc.) you plan to learn more about in this course to help guide and reinforce your developing moral value system, and (ii) provide a brief but thorough explanation of that theory drawn from the course readings.
Be sure to include pertinent MLA inline citations of the Ethics textbook to help you accomplish this (this may involve briefly skimming ahead a little bit in the textbook to find out more about the particular theory you are most interested in [at this point]), and explain the main theoretical strengths that draw you to this particular theory.
Then (iii) point to at least one strong objection that this theory sometimes runs into (this can also be found in your textbook), stating whether you see such an objection as seriously damaging to the viability of the theory or not, or whether it is possible to still salvage the most desirable elements of the theory in spite of this particular objection.
Part II – Apply Your Chosen Normative Ethical Theory to an Ethical Dilemma
(i) Identify a contemporary ethical dilemma (this can be either a general humanitarian crisis, or even a personal situation from your own life) and analyze it along the lines of your chosen moral theory from Part I.
If you need some ideas for cases, you may refer to the Markula Center for Applied Ethics for a list of possible cases to analyze.
(ii) Identify what you take to be the main parties (groups, persons) involved in the dilemma, and then (iii) suggest an ethical resolution to the problem that is in line with what that particular moral theory would advise in this specific situation.
Lastly, (iv) assess whether the end result of applying this particular moral theory to this particular moral issue, is morally satisfactory and praiseworthy or not, and explain why that is.
Include a works cited page at the end of your paper.

Please see attached : Analyze a case. To complete this assignment, review Popovi

Please see attached :
Analyze a case. To complete this assignment, review Popovi

Please see attached :
Analyze a case. To complete this assignment, review Popovich v. Allina Health System and complete the Describe The Case Worksheet. The worksheet will assist you in identifying the pertinent details of the court case including facts and issues.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
Parties: Include all of the parties in the case: plaintiff and defendant
Facts and Circumstances: Accurately explain the facts and circumstances that brought the parties to court
Question of Fact or Question of Law: Explain whether the court is deciding a question of fact or a question of law
Facts that Raise Issues: Explain which facts of the case raise issues
Explanation of Nonissues: Explain the nonissues of the case