Using the material you’ve read so far in the course, write a textbook researched

Using the material you’ve read so far in the course, write a textbook researched

Using the material you’ve read so far in the course, write a textbook researched argumentative paper of 600-800 words in which you accomplish the following:
Part I – Identify a Normative Ethical Theory
(i) Identify one moral theory (e.g. deontology, utilitarianism, virtue ethics, etc.) you plan to learn more about in this course to help guide and reinforce your developing moral value system, and (ii) provide a brief but thorough explanation of that theory drawn from the course readings.
Be sure to include pertinent MLA inline citations of the Ethics textbook to help you accomplish this (this may involve briefly skimming ahead a little bit in the textbook to find out more about the particular theory you are most interested in [at this point]), and explain the main theoretical strengths that draw you to this particular theory.
Then (iii) point to at least one strong objection that this theory sometimes runs into (this can also be found in your textbook), stating whether you see such an objection as seriously damaging to the viability of the theory or not, or whether it is possible to still salvage the most desirable elements of the theory in spite of this particular objection.
Part II – Apply Your Chosen Normative Ethical Theory to an Ethical Dilemma
(i) Identify a contemporary ethical dilemma (this can be either a general humanitarian crisis, or even a personal situation from your own life) and analyze it along the lines of your chosen moral theory from Part I.
If you need some ideas for cases, you may refer to the Markula Center for Applied Ethics for a list of possible cases to analyze.
(ii) Identify what you take to be the main parties (groups, persons) involved in the dilemma, and then (iii) suggest an ethical resolution to the problem that is in line with what that particular moral theory would advise in this specific situation.
Lastly, (iv) assess whether the end result of applying this particular moral theory to this particular moral issue, is morally satisfactory and praiseworthy or not, and explain why that is.
Include a works cited page at the end of your paper.