APA style 7th edition and Originality SafeAssign submission are required.Object

APA style 7th edition and Originality SafeAssign submission are required.Object

APA style 7th edition and Originality SafeAssign submission are required.Objective: The students will complete an E-Poster, The purpose of the poster is to serve as a summary and an advertisement of the work that supplements the researcher’s presentation. The poster could be thought of as an illustrated version of the abstract with visual displays of data and small blocks of text that explain the project and support the data.
Students will judgmentally measure the readings from Chapter 2 in your textbook. This assignment is planned to help you examination, evaluation, and apply the readings and strategies that can apply to any health care institution. Choose a free topic from your readings (base on chapter 2)
The E-Poster needs to include the following:
1. Introduction
2. Statement of the issue
3. Evidence supporting the issue
4. Prediction of the issue
5. Conclusion
6. References: minimum of three references from peer-reviewed nursing journals (encourage the use of international journals). Articles need to be within the last 3 years unless historical.
The assignment is to be electronically posted in the Assignments Link on Blackboard no later than noon on Sunday, November 7, 2021.
Assignments Guidelines
1 Points
2.5 Points
6 Points
1.5 Points
11 points
90% – 100%
85% – 89%
80% – 84%
75% – 79%
70% – 74% D
60% – 69%
50% – 59% Or less.
Dr. Gisela Llamas

Answer each question in a paragraph. Each paragraph should be well supported wit

Answer each question in a paragraph. Each paragraph should be well supported wit

Answer each question in a paragraph. Each paragraph should be well supported with quotes, paraphrasing from the video and texts, and explanation. 1. Watch the video about the 1969 Third World Strike at San Francisco State. What were the purposes and the goals of the Third World Strike? What role did the students play? How was Ethnic Studies finally established at SF State College. https://youtu.be/yZY9NQzx03E
2. Read El Plan de Santa Barbara (1969) – read only “Table of Contents,” “Manifesto,” “Chicano Studies and the Community” on pp. 77-80 in the document, and peruse the images. According to the document, explain the relationship between the University and the Community as described in the chapter “Chicano Studies and the Community” (pp 77-80)? What does Chicanx Studies propose to do differently for the community?
3. Omi and Winant’s chapter 4 of Racial Formation in the U.S. lays out the roots of racism and the concept of race in the U.S. and the hemisphere. In the third section subtitled “The Evolution of Race Consciousness” the authors look at “conquest”/invasion and the origins of settler colonialism 500 years ago. Describe the goals and name some specific actions of this period of “conquest”/invasion. What are some economic, political and ideological results? Why do they describe this period as “the first… perhaps the greatest… racial formation project” (p. 114)?
The Omi Winant PDF IS BELOW

Exercise 1: Brainstorm Ideas (50 Points): As you have learned, Ethnic Studies is

Exercise 1: Brainstorm Ideas (50 Points):
As you have learned, Ethnic Studies is

Exercise 1: Brainstorm Ideas (50 Points):
As you have learned, Ethnic Studies is an interdisciplinary academic field that explores issues in the Black/African American, Asian American, Chicanx/Latinx, and Native American/Indigenous communities. As such, for this assignment you will choose an academic discipline within Ethnic Studies and pick a subtopic within the chosen group that you are interested in.
For example, if you are interested in becoming a teacher you might want to choose the subtopic: Education. If you are an artist, you might choose the subtopic: Art.
For this assignment you will submit a document with your brainstorm notes that includes your final choice for a topic.
Some examples for a final topic could be (but you do not have to choose these): Native American religious practices, African American Higher Education, Chicanx/Latinx Mental Health, or Asian American .
Exercise 2: Academic Article (75 Points):
Now that you have chosen your topic and subtopic, you will search for an academic article (via Google Scholar or SMC library search page) about the topic you chose for Exercise 1.
Here is a video from YouTube that explains how to use Google Scholar :
Exercise 3: Research Paper (125 Points):
This assignment will build off of what you chose for exercise 1 and 2. After you choose an academic article, you will write a a 3-5 page research paper highlighting they key topics within the article. For this paper you can use other academic sources besides the article you chose if you would like. Within your paper you will will summarize the article and analyze the information from your own perspective. You can choose with format to use for citations (ex. MLA, APA, etc.)

First, provide brief reactions (1 paragraph) to one of the following examples of

First, provide brief reactions (1 paragraph) to one of the following examples of

First, provide brief reactions (1 paragraph) to one of the following examples of media representation that we discussed:
“Framings” of Muslim American Identity (Yazdiha)
Native American Identity Appropriation (Keene, Small-Rodriguez & Davis-Delano)
Criminalization of African American Identity (Adjei-Brenyah)
Normalization of White Identity (All)
Second, search for and identify at least 1 example of a contemporary “controlling image” (see lecture notes).
You are free to select the image from any media representation that you like. Be sure to provide a link to the image. Explain the following about the selected image(s):
Why do you consider this image to be a “controlling image”?
What do you think it is trying to represent or convey to society?
How does it shape the way we think about racial/ethnic identity (good or bad)?
Third, provide at least one (1) lingering question that you have about the readings and discussions on representation.