One of the more contentious issues facing the state of Texas and the nation at-l

One of the more contentious issues facing the state of Texas and the nation at-l

One of the more contentious issues facing the state of Texas and the nation at-large has been voting rights, with several conservative leaning states having passed legislation which some claim is racist and targeted at preventing minority residents from voting, while it hers claim that the legislation merely codifies pre-existing legislation which was already in place, albeit in different laws, but which were relaxed in order to allow voter participation in the midst of the unprecedented Covid-19 pandemic and which were never meant to permanently alter the voting process. Republicans claim that it is all in the name of voting integrity that they have passed such laws, while Democrats have gone as far as claiming such legislation amounts to nothing more than Jim Crow in suit and tie. The issue of such legislation has led to fiery protests and speeches across the nation, including in Texas where state Democrats fled the state for weeks in order to attempt to prevent Republicans from passing voting rights legislation while lobbying for the US Congress to pass comprehensive national legislation aimed at thwarting state-level laws, though such federal attempts would certainly be challenged in court by Republicans and conservative states as federal overreach given that the US constitution provides for states to choose the timing and methods for administering elections (so long as doing so does not thwart or fly in the face of any federal laws on voting). Based upon the articles provided, as well as any others which you may choose to use, you are to analyze this issue and determine if Republican voting legislation is valid and legal, or if such laws violate the basic constitutional tenant of access to voting and amounts to nothing more than modern-day Jim Crow in suit.

Gov. Greg Abbott signs Texas voting bill into law, overcoming Democratic quorum breaks
SB 1 makes up Republicans’ third attempt to pass a far-reaching law that restricts how and when voters cast ballots. It takes particular aim at voting initiatives used in diverse, Democratic Harris County in the 2020 election.
Alexa Ura
The Texas Tribune

Most Texans support GOP elections bill despite months of Democratic outrage, poll finds
A new poll found that nearly 60 percent of Texans approve of new restrictions that target…
Jasper Scherer
Houston Chronicle

In normal times, this week we would have presentations about different media sou

In normal times, this week we would have presentations about different media sou

In normal times, this week we would have presentations about different media sources so that you can see the different biases and portrayals of the same news stories. To address this, I am asking you to write a paper about 4 different media sources and how they tackle two different news stories. You do not have a reading journal this week anyway, so this paper will substitute the media presentation grade in your syllabus (worth 100 points). The required formatting (in terms of font size, margins, footnotes, etc.) is the same as the newspaper article assignments, but the purpose of this paper is different.
You are to pick two major news stories from THIS WEEK, and see how four different news sources cover each of them (you can pick four different news sources for each of the events). Discuss the similarities in how they are reported, differences, perceived biases, etc. The purpose of this week’s readings, videos, and assignments is to demonstrate how the same exact news event can be portrayed so differently. Your paper should be at least 5-7 pages long, organized, and cited properly. (APA format)
Formatting Guidelines for ALL written assignments:
• Be specific. I want you to really think about your assignments and your responses to them and how they fit into our
overall course.
• Avoid replacing arguments with examples. Use examples to illustrate a general claim, not as a replacement for them.
Examples by themselves tend toward selection bias and hasty generalizations.
• I am interested in content, not clever rhetorical flourish. Thus, avoid filler material…
• PROOFREAD YOUR WORK. You will be marked off for typos, punctuation errors, and/or major disorganization.
• The heading of your paper should be your name ONLY (no date, title, etc.)
• 12-point Times New Roman font
• Double-spaced
• 1-inch margins all around

nstructions [Module Learning Objectives Assessed: 3.3] Federalism – Dividing Pow

[Module Learning Objectives Assessed: 3.3]
Federalism – Dividing Pow

[Module Learning Objectives Assessed: 3.3]
Federalism – Dividing Power between States and the United States
Read Chapter 3 textbook and review the links below:
Explaining Federalism:
Explaining Unitary:
Explaining Unitary:
Explaining Confederate:
Explaining all 3:
Explaining all 3:
Academics Believe Unitary is Superior (specifically for non-large countries):
Interesting Mix
Decentralized Unitary states (Netherlands)
Essay Question: Review the links above and analyze the pros and cons of federalism, unitary and confederal systems. Please discuss all three systems of power organization. In the end, explain to me whether you believe that we should keep our federal system or whether we should abandon it in favor of a different one.
Your essay should be between 500 and 600 words, double-spaced and in APA format, with parenthetical citations and a Reference List. A cover page is not necessary.
View the Written Assignment Rubric to understand how you will will be evaluated.
All essays will be submitted in the assigned drop box, which will include a Turnitin originality report.
Plagiarism will not be tolerated. A failing grade for the assignment and/or the course will be awarded pursuant to the SPC Academic Integrity Policy.
For definitive APA formatting, refer to one of the following:
Print Manual: American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association: The official guide to APA style.
APA Style Website:
SPC created APA Information Guide:
Librarians can assist you: Ask A Librarian (online chat) or Schedule a Research Consultation with a Librarian.
Penalties for not providing in-text citations and/or references will range from 10 to 40 points.
See also the Written Assignment Grading Rubric for additional information on your assignment grade.

Objective: To develop critical thinking skills and media literacy by comparing n

Objective: To develop critical thinking skills and media literacy by comparing n

Objective: To develop critical thinking skills and media literacy by comparing news articles on the same topic from different sources, utilizing AI to identify marketing and emotional trigger words. Students will reflect on the articles and use AI to generate unbiased content. Students will choose two news aggregators and compare the same story from different viewpoints, such as Fox News vs. CNN, TikTok vs. X (Formerly Twitter).
Here are some questions to consider:
How does news selection amplify one’s political views?
How do digital platforms impact the choice and quality of news for consumers?
What choices might writers, editors, producers, and so on make that could lead to bias in news sources?
How can headlines be misleading, and how can editors express bias by choosing whether or not to use a specific news story?
What are some ways to detect bias in news media, and why is it important to compare news reports from a wide variety of sources?
AI News Generators
Here are just a few possible options you can use. Please note that some require a paid subscriiption but almost all offer a free version or a free trial. If you know of others that I did not list below, please share them with me so I can use them in future classes. ChatGPT
APP Sonic
Write Sonic
Hour One
Step 1: Select a Topic
Choose a current event or topic related to American Government. Ensure it is covered by multiple news sources.
Step 2: Identify News Articles
Find two news articles from different sources covering the chosen topic. Make sure the articles present varying perspectives.
News websites (e.g.,,,
News aggregators (e.g., Google News, Reddit, RealClearPolitics)
Social media platforms (e.g., Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, TikTok)
Television (cable news channels such as Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, or broadcast channels like CBS, NBC, and ABC)
Radio and podcasts (terrestrial talk radio, SiriusXM, podcast industry)
Newspapers (physical newspaper subscriiptions or purchases)
Pick a story and examine the same news story from contrasting perspectives (e.g., Fox News vs. CNN).
Provide a link or citation for these sources. Step 3: AI News Generator Access one of the free AI news generator tools provided (e.g., APP Sonic).
Employ ChatGPT, or AI tool of you choice, to search for marketing and/or emotional trigger words in both articles.
Provide ChatGPT with the following prompt:
“Identify marketing and emotional trigger words in the selected news articles related to [chosen topic].”
Special note: you will need to copy and paste the text into ChatGPT as it cannot link to outside sources. Step 4: Reflect on Findings
After receiving the AI-generated analysis, reflect on how the use of these words may influence readers’ perceptions. Consider the potential biases introduced.
Step 5: AI-generated Rewrite
Provide a rewritten prompt to ChatGPT that emphasizes the importance of an unbiased analysis.
For example: “Generate a neutral summary of the news articles on [chosen topic], focusing on presenting facts without any emotional or promotional language.”
Use the revised prompt to obtain an unbiased summary of the news articles from ChatGPT. Compare the AI-generated unbiased content with the original articles.
Step 6: Conclusion
Post a summary of your findings on the online discussion forum. Include insights on marketing and emotional trigger words, the impact on reader perception, and a comparison of the unbiased summary with the original articles.

Everything is included in the file and the text below: This assignment requires

Everything is included in the file and the text below:
This assignment requires

Everything is included in the file and the text below:
This assignment requires you to read “Moral Criticisms of the Market” by Ken S. Ewert (found in the Learn section, Read: Moral Criticisms of the Market). Note that in his article, Ewert is defending the free market from “Christian Socialists.” He states their position and then gives a rebuttal.
Do you agree with the critique of the market in Ewert’s article? Why or why not? Read carefully and offer cogent reasons.
Consider the context of the article; the Berlin Wall fell months after the article was published. The USSR followed shortly thereafter.

Objective: To develop critical thinking skills and media literacy by comparing n

Objective: To develop critical thinking skills and media literacy by comparing n

Objective: To develop critical thinking skills and media literacy by comparing news articles on the same topic from different sources, utilizing AI to identify marketing and emotional trigger words. Students will reflect on the articles and use AI to generate unbiased content. Students will choose two news aggregators and compare the same story from different viewpoints, such as Fox News vs. CNN, TikTok vs. X (Formerly Twitter).
Here are some questions to consider:
How does news selection amplify one’s political views?
How do digital platforms impact the choice and quality of news for consumers?
What choices might writers, editors, producers, and so on make that could lead to bias in news sources?
How can headlines be misleading, and how can editors express bias by choosing whether or not to use a specific news story?
What are some ways to detect bias in news media, and why is it important to compare news reports from a wide variety of sources?
AI News Generators
Here are just a few possible options you can use. Please note that some require a paid subscriiption but almost all offer a free version or a free trial. If you know of others that I did not list below, please share them with me so I can use them in future classes. ChatGPT
APP Sonic
Write Sonic
Hour One
Step 1: Select a Topic
Choose a current event or topic related to American Government. Ensure it is covered by multiple news sources.
Step 2: Identify News Articles
Find two news articles from different sources covering the chosen topic. Make sure the articles present varying perspectives.
News websites (e.g.,,,
News aggregators (e.g., Google News, Reddit, RealClearPolitics)
Social media platforms (e.g., Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, TikTok)
Television (cable news channels such as Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, or broadcast channels like CBS, NBC, and ABC)
Radio and podcasts (terrestrial talk radio, SiriusXM, podcast industry)
Newspapers (physical newspaper subscriiptions or purchases)
Pick a story and examine the same news story from contrasting perspectives (e.g., Fox News vs. CNN).
Provide a link or citation for these sources. Step 3: AI News Generator Access one of the free AI news generator tools provided (e.g., APP Sonic).
Employ ChatGPT, or AI tool of you choice, to search for marketing and/or emotional trigger words in both articles.
Provide ChatGPT with the following prompt:
“Identify marketing and emotional trigger words in the selected news articles related to [chosen topic].”
Special note: you will need to copy and paste the text into ChatGPT as it cannot link to outside sources. Step 4: Reflect on Findings
After receiving the AI-generated analysis, reflect on how the use of these words may influence readers’ perceptions. Consider the potential biases introduced.
Step 5: AI-generated Rewrite
Provide a rewritten prompt to ChatGPT that emphasizes the importance of an unbiased analysis.
For example: “Generate a neutral summary of the news articles on [chosen topic], focusing on presenting facts without any emotional or promotional language.”
Use the revised prompt to obtain an unbiased summary of the news articles from ChatGPT. Compare the AI-generated unbiased content with the original articles.
Step 6: Conclusion
Post a summary of your findings on the online discussion forum. Include insights on marketing and emotional trigger words, the impact on reader perception, and a comparison of the unbiased summary with the original articles.

Unit III includes Chapter 7:The Legislature. As it is stated in this chapter one

Unit III includes Chapter 7:The Legislature. As it is stated in this chapter one

Unit III includes Chapter 7:The Legislature. As it is stated in this chapter one of the functions of the Texas Legislature is to allocate the budget of the state; that is, they decide how the money of the state is spent, in which areas and how much is allocated to each area. For this forum you will pretend to be a member of the TX Legislature.
This forum has 3 parts, you must answer all parts to receive credit.
Create a new thread for your initial post.
In the subject area write down your first and last name only.
Each of your answers in each part must be in small paragraphs (between 5-7 complete college-level sentences for each answer).
Use good spacing between paragraphs (do not write everything in one long paragraph.
Use good spelling, good grammar, and good word choice.
Make sure you do not sound repetitive.
Be respectful.
Part I
Suppose you are a member of the Texas Legislature and you have to give your recommendation on how to allocate $100 million dollars at the local level. You can only spend it on 5 of the areas listed below. How would you use the money? Make a list of the 5 areas you consider the most important areas and explain why. Put them in order of importance to you and tell your fellow members of the legislature how much money you would allocate to each area.
NOTE: You cannot allocate the money equally across all 5 areas.
•sports facilities
•recycling sites
•mental health facilities
•sheriff departments
•roads, bridges and highways
•child protective services
•emergency shelters
•nursing homes
•public transportation
•public libraries
•tourism development
•domestic violence programs
•housing programs
•parks and wildlife
•jails and prisons
•beaches and waterways development
•drug rehabilitation programs
•programs for people with disabilities
•animal shelters
•regional airports
Start your post by saying “Good morning members of the Texas Legislature, I’m Representative ___________ (or Senator _____________ you pick what you want to be!) and here is my proposal to allocate the $100 million dollars for the current budget cycle:”
Part II
Each of your answers must be in small paragraphs (between 5-7 college-level sentences each answer).
Make a list of the 3 areas that are the least important to you from the entire list and explain why they are your bottom 3.

For this assignment, you will choose 1 group, organization, etc. that is activel

For this assignment, you will choose 1 group, organization, etc. that is activel

For this assignment, you will choose 1 group, organization, etc. that is actively involved in engaging the culture. Possible groups include (but are not limited to):
Heritage Foundation
Patriot Academy
Leadership Institute
Liberty Counsel
Live Action
State specific organization such as the Texas Public Policy Foundation
The goal is to explain and analyze what the organization is doing to impact the culture. You can focus on the strengths and accomplishments of the group, or you could focus on its weaknesses and suggest ways the group could be more effective. Cite your information where necessary.

Discussion 1 How do politics affect program management and the policy process? H

Discussion 1
How do politics affect program management and the policy process? H

Discussion 1
How do politics affect program management and the policy process? How can public administrators help to lessen obstacles created by politics?
Discussion 2
Describe a government project you feel was a success that went through a long range or strategic planning process. How important was the long range or strategic planning process for the success of the project? What could have been the result of less stringent planning?