This is a reconstruction argument essay for a political philosophy course. Paper

This is a reconstruction argument essay for a political philosophy course. Paper

This is a reconstruction argument essay for a political philosophy course. Paper length is 2-3pgs. I included the text in case not helpful. Instructions below and rubric attached:
-identify one strength and one weakness. Try to create a “steelman” version of the argument as opposed to a “strawman.”
-present key steps for someone who hasn’t read the text can understand it. This means identifying its premises, logic, evidence, and steps. Questions to help:
-What is the author attempting to argue, and what conclusions do they reach?
-What ideas or evidence (metaphor, historical example, reason, etc) do they give to make their case?
-How does the argument progress logically? (This may not be in the order it is laid out in the text)
-Which elements are most important? (You should not include every detail)
-You should use very few quotations, if any: this is an exercise in restating arguments clearly and in your own terms. But do cite the parts of the text that you’re using. (You don’t need footnotes/works cited since you are only using one text.)

Students will be required to prepare one essay of no more than 1500 words. Essay

Students will be required to prepare one essay of no more than 1500 words. Essay

Students will be required to prepare one essay of no more than 1500 words. Essay topics and suggested reading are provided below. These will require the use of information from recent publications.
Coral Reef Biology (BIOL3x16)
Essay Topic Guide
Please choose your essay topic from the list below. A few papers are provided for each topic to get you started. But note you do not have to use these papers and you are expected to consult and cite additional resources that you find. The topics are intentionally broad and some overlap. We suggest that you focus on one major aspect that is of most interest to you but be sure to keep focused on coral reefs.
Useful general resources
Hutchings, P et al., 2018 The Great Barrier Reef Biology, Environment and Management, CSIRO Press Climate Change and the Great Barrier Reef (2007) –available on the GBRMPA web site.
The topic I have chosen is:
4. Tropical Marine Vertebrates, Conservation and threatening processes.
a) Dugongs – their distribution, habitat, biology and Australia’s indigenous harvest.
Key papers are:
Grech, Sheppard, & Marsh 2011. Informing species conservation at multiple scales using data collected for marine mammal stock assessments. PloS One, 6, e17993.
Heinsohn et al. 2004. Unsustainable harvest of dugongs in Torres Strait and Cape York (Australia) waters: two case studies using population viability analysis. Anim. Conserv. 7:417–425.
Harcourt et al. 2015. Marine mammals, back from the brink? Contemporary conservation issues. In: Austral Ark: the state of wildlife in Australia and New Zealand. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, pp. 322-353
Lawler, Parra & Noad 2007. Chapter 16 Vulnerability of marine mammals in the Great Barrier Reef to climate change. In Climate Change and the Great Barrier Reef, eds. Johnson JE and Marshall PA. Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority and Australian Greenhouse Oce, Australia.
Marsh HD et al. 2015. Re-evaluation of the sustainability of a marine mammal harvest by indigenous people using several lines of evidence. Biological Conservation, 192. pp. 324-330
Zeh et al. 2015. Is acoustic tracking appropriate for air-breathing marine animals? Dugongs as a case study. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 464:1-10

I have listed below TWO video links underneath the questions that need to be wat

I have listed below TWO video links underneath the questions that need to be wat

I have listed below TWO video links underneath the questions that need to be watched along with some readings.. Also, I attached more readings that need to be read. The 5 questions below need to come STRAIGHT from the readings and videos I have provided!
1. Which of the stats in the video was most surprising to you and why? Look up the current info for that stat and report it in your answer. WITH a resource. Web link is fine.
2. What would a bottom-heavy population pyramid tell you about the future of a particular country?
3.What problems can high population densities create in nature?
4.Why are human survivorship curves a Type I?
5. What’s a cohort?

I would like to thank the team for the good work. The topic is Drug abuse relat

I would like to thank the team for the good work.
The topic is Drug abuse relat

I would like to thank the team for the good work.
The topic is Drug abuse related to traumatic brain injury in adolescents.
Please follow the instructions attached to the document, one is the directions to follow and the other one is a sample.
use only USA journals, articles, or peer-review for less than 5 years and at least 4 articles.

I would like to thank the team for the good work. The topic is Drug abuse relat

I would like to thank the team for the good work.
The topic is Drug abuse relat

I would like to thank the team for the good work.
The topic is Drug abuse related to traumatic brain injury in adolescents.
Please follow the instructions attached to the document, one is the directions to follow and the other one is a sample.
use only USA journals, articles, or peer-review for less than 5 years and at least 4 articles.

4.If a woman is homozygous normal and her husband is heterozygous for a genetica

4.If a woman is homozygous normal and her husband is heterozygous for a genetica

4.If a woman is homozygous normal and her husband is heterozygous for a genetically inherited recessive disease and they decide to become parents, what is the probability that they will have a healthy child?
Use the information below to answer the following questions.
XH- X chromosome with normal dominant allele (no hemophilia)
Xh – X chromosome with recessive hemophilia allele
Y – Y chromosome (does not contain comparable gene)
XB – X chromosome with normal dominant allele (not colorblind)
Xb – X chromosome with recessive colorblind allele
Y -Y chromosome (does not contain comparable gene)
4. What is the probability that a colorblind woman who marries a man with normal
vision will have a colorblind child? _____________
_____________ X _____________
5.A normal-sighted woman (whose father was colorblind)
marries a colorblind man. _____________ X _____________
6.What is the probability that they will have a son
who is colorblind? _____________7.What is the probability that they will have a colorblind daughter? _____________
For the following Sex-Linked Punnett Squares:
H= normal blood clotting
8.XHXh crossed with XHY
What is the probability that any of their offspring
will have hemophilia? _____________1.A woman who is a carrier for hemophilia marries a hemophiliac man:
a. What proportion of the male children are
hemophiliacs? _____________b. What proportion of the female children are
hemophiliacs? _____________
2.A phenotypically normal man marries a homozygous normal woman.
_____________ X _____________
a. What is the probability that any of their children
will be hemophiliacs? _____________
3.A phenotypically normal woman has phenotypically normal parents. However, she has a hemophiliac brother.
(Mom is carrier) (Dad) Brother
_____________ _____________
a. What are her chances of being a carrier for
hemophilia? _____________

4.If a woman is homozygous normal and her husband is heterozygous for a genetica

4.If a woman is homozygous normal and her husband is heterozygous for a genetica

4.If a woman is homozygous normal and her husband is heterozygous for a genetically inherited recessive disease and they decide to become parents, what is the probability that they will have a healthy child?
Use the information below to answer the following questions.
XH- X chromosome with normal dominant allele (no hemophilia)
Xh – X chromosome with recessive hemophilia allele
Y – Y chromosome (does not contain comparable gene)
XB – X chromosome with normal dominant allele (not colorblind)
Xb – X chromosome with recessive colorblind allele
Y -Y chromosome (does not contain comparable gene)
4. What is the probability that a colorblind woman who marries a man with normal
vision will have a colorblind child? _____________
_____________ X _____________
5.A normal-sighted woman (whose father was colorblind)
marries a colorblind man. _____________ X _____________
6.What is the probability that they will have a son
who is colorblind? _____________7.What is the probability that they will have a colorblind daughter? _____________
For the following Sex-Linked Punnett Squares:
H= normal blood clotting
8.XHXh crossed with XHY
What is the probability that any of their offspring
will have hemophilia? _____________1.A woman who is a carrier for hemophilia marries a hemophiliac man:
a. What proportion of the male children are
hemophiliacs? _____________b. What proportion of the female children are
hemophiliacs? _____________
2.A phenotypically normal man marries a homozygous normal woman.
_____________ X _____________
a. What is the probability that any of their children
will be hemophiliacs? _____________
3.A phenotypically normal woman has phenotypically normal parents. However, she has a hemophiliac brother.
(Mom is carrier) (Dad) Brother
_____________ _____________
a. What are her chances of being a carrier for
hemophilia? _____________

What are the main differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, and how

What are the main differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, and how

What are the main differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, and how do these differences impact microbial life?
Explain the process of bacterial conjugation and its significance in microbial genetics.
Describe the structure and function of bacterial cell walls. How do antibiotics like penicillin target bacterial cell walls?
What is the significance of plasmids in microbial genetics? How do they contribute to bacterial antibiotic resistance?
Discuss the mechanisms by which bacteria acquire antibiotic resistance genes. How does horizontal gene transfer play a role in this process?
Compare and contrast the modes of action of bacteriostatic and bactericidal antibiotics.
Explain the concept of microbial pathogenesis. What are the main virulence factors that contribute to microbial pathogenicity?
Discuss the role of biofilms in microbial communities. How do biofilms contribute to microbial resistance to antibiotics and host immune responses?