to do the assignment there is a video to watch first. YouTube Clip: Inside a Jap

to do the assignment there is a video to watch first.
YouTube Clip: Inside a Jap

to do the assignment there is a video to watch first.
YouTube Clip: Inside a Japanese Love HotelLinks to an external site.
This week, we discussed a myriad of topics related to
Chapter 10 – Sexual Expression. This week’s Virtual Assignment expands our knowledge about sexual expression and partnered sexual behavior in other cultures; more specifically, we will be learning about Japan’s Love Hotels. You are instructed to:
1) View the included short video introducing us to Japan’s Love Hotels
YouTube Clip: Inside a Japanese Love HotelLinks to an external site.
2) Answer/Discuss the following questions in your discussions:
Why do you think you would not find a “love hotel” in the United States?
Can you think of an equivalent establishment in the United States?
Would you visit a “love hotel” if they were available in the United States? Why or why not?
Although the Japanese are known for keeping sexuality private, in what ways does the existence of “love hotels” and their popularity contradict these attitudes?

Answer each quest with 5 sentence This exam covers topics from weeks one to five

Answer each quest with 5 sentence
This exam covers topics from weeks one to five

Answer each quest with 5 sentence
This exam covers topics from weeks one to five of this course. This quiz includes five short-essay-style questions, worth three points each. Student answers should not exceed five sentences in length. Please be concise and clear in your writing. All essay-style exams are open-book and you will have one week to complete them. Please paraphrase information from the readings and lectures and cite where the information came from. In other words, do not overuse quotations in composing your answers.
1. As discussed in Goodley et al. (2019) – Provocations for Critical Disability Studies and Week 1 – Videos 5 and 6, define critical disability studies AND describe a major difference between critical disability studies and disability studies.
2. As discussed in Kendi’s (2021) podcast on Ableism & Racism: Roots of the Same Tree and Week 2 – Video 2 – Definitions of Ableism, describe the importance of adopting an intersectional understanding of ableism as a social work practitioner.
3. As discussed in Evans et al. (2017) – Disability Models and Week 2 – Video 4 – Disability Models, provide a definition of the social model of disability AND describe both a major strength AND limitation of this disability model.
4. As discussed in Sins Invalid (2019) – Skin, Tooth, and Bone and Week 4 – Videos 2 and 3, provide a definition of Disability Justice as a social movement AND describe two of its strengths in comparison to the Disability Rights movement.
5. As discussed in Schrader et al. (2013) and Week 5 – Videos 2 and 3, describe the characteristics and dimensions of Mad Identity, including its importance to anti-oppressive social work practice with psychiatric consumers and survivors.

to do the assignment there is a video to watch first. YouTube Clip: Inside a Jap

to do the assignment there is a video to watch first.
YouTube Clip: Inside a Jap

to do the assignment there is a video to watch first.
YouTube Clip: Inside a Japanese Love HotelLinks to an external site.
This week, we discussed a myriad of topics related to
Chapter 10 – Sexual Expression. This week’s Virtual Assignment expands our knowledge about sexual expression and partnered sexual behavior in other cultures; more specifically, we will be learning about Japan’s Love Hotels. You are instructed to:
1) View the included short video introducing us to Japan’s Love Hotels
YouTube Clip: Inside a Japanese Love HotelLinks to an external site.
2) Answer/Discuss the following questions in your discussions:
Why do you think you would not find a “love hotel” in the United States?
Can you think of an equivalent establishment in the United States?
Would you visit a “love hotel” if they were available in the United States? Why or why not?
Although the Japanese are known for keeping sexuality private, in what ways does the existence of “love hotels” and their popularity contradict these attitudes?

Create Your Own Genogram: Participants will complete a genogram where they proce

Create Your Own Genogram: Participants will complete a genogram where they proce

Create Your Own Genogram: Participants will complete a genogram where they process collecting and interpreting the information, and share their experiences and discoveries in class. An example will be given in class. Genogram may be shared with accountability partner in class for discussion.
Description: A genogram, like a family tree, is a graphic representation of the relationships within your family. Genograms use a series of symbols to provide detailed information about individuals and relationships in order to form a full picture of an individual’s history. Here Links to an external site.and here Links to an external can find resources that provide examples of genograms—Additionally, feel free to use the “Genogram Plus” handout to help guide you in illustrating difficult dynamics. Using these examples and ones from class create a three-generation genogram of your family. Provide as much information as you can.
Instructions (will be decided by class if reflection essay or in class discussion): Submit a reflection journal that builds on the journal prompt listed below. You may choose to write as a traditional journal, a creative writing piece, or upload alternative media (video essay, art) that represents your reflective process. Please note, if you choose to upload media produced by someone else (e.g., video, visual art), you will need to append a written reflection of your own that accompanies the media you have selected. No more than 2 pages double spaced.
Prompt: We are mindful that this exercise may bring up emotions and feelings, both positive and negative, for you as you share your family history or what you know of it. We recognize that this may be a result of both potential transformation and traumas, which is also relevant to those we serve and support in social work. The intention of this exercise is for participants to explore and examine the ways we can use a Genogram to engage, assess, and intervene with community members. This exercise helps to explore our own countertransference, which is very useful for practice. If you begin to feel triggered, take pause, get the care you need, and consider what feels safe for you to share.
What discoveries did you make while completing your genogram?
What family patterns/themes did you notice?
Who in your family is the designated storyteller or keeper of the family history?
What roles did family members fulfill?
Who are the emotional caregivers?
What types of messages did you receive from relevant caregivers? What are your ties to your family in terms of your interests, career, etc?
What reactions did you have while completing?
What have been the joys and accomplishments and strengths in your family?
If you were not able to look too far back, talk about the way you see yourself now and in your future?
Where do you see yourself in five years, 10 years changing the patterns you uncovered so that your story moving forward looks different?
What are the feelings that are coming up for you in even being asked to look at your family tree?
In an ideal world, what would you want my tree to look like?
What feelings have evolved for you throughout this process?
Consider these ideas:
What are the implications of racism, ethnicity, colorism, language, culture, religion, historical trauma, colonization, isms, etc. on family structures and family relationships?
Where do you see yourself in five years, 10 years?
Now that you have spent the last few weeks does this all leave you?
What do you see as the importance of using a genogram in practice?
A mix of emotions might come up – if you choose not to partake in the genogram – reflect on why?
What are the feelings that are coming up for you in even being asked to look at your family tree? What would I want my tree to look like?
Why can’t we go too far back?
Reflection Journal
Reflection Journal
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSubmitted on time
1 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReflection referenced 2 forms of content assigned for class
2 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIn response, followed instructions from prompt provided
2 pts
Total Points: 5
Considering my personal background, I am a 23-year-old male student with a master’s degree in socialwork from China. My family is an only child. My grandparents have brothers and sisters
need apa style and reference

Week 8 Discussion: Continue the Conversation The Cycle of Interventions and Eval

Week 8 Discussion: Continue the Conversation
The Cycle of Interventions and Eval

Week 8 Discussion: Continue the Conversation
The Cycle of Interventions and Evaluations
Reflect on the iterative process of designing, evaluating, and refining interventions. Choose one of the following prompts as a starting place for your post:
Describe an intervention you’ve been a part of and its impact.
Discuss the importance of feedback in intervention design.
How do you balance stakeholder needs during evaluation?
Share a time when an evaluation led to significant intervention changes.
Include 2 sources. APA 7 format.

Question 1 Explain generalist practice as defined by the Association of Social W

Question 1
Explain generalist practice as defined by the Association of Social W

Question 1
Explain generalist practice as defined by the Association of Social Work Boards.
Question 2
What is social work?
Question 3
Define social welfare.
Question 4
Using the chapter in Week 1 (Prologue) explain who social workers are and why they become social workers.
Question 5
Contrast residual and institutional welfare.
Question 6
Medicaid is a form of institutional social welfare.
Question 7
____________ poverty is determined by comparison with a fixed numerical standard that is applied in all situations.

Question 8
The majority of people on welfare are white.

Question 9
___________ reflects the profession’s emphasis on strengths and suggest that the client has the ability to make decisions and pursue change.

B.Generalist practice
Question 10
The initial step in the helping process is to build rapport.

Question 11
For the generalist social worker using a systems perspective, the four roles are education, advocacy, facilitation, and intervention.

Question 12
You must have a degree in social work from a CSWE accredited undergraduate or graduate program to be a social worker.

Question 13
According to the Colby text, ___________ is one in which the primary caretakers did not give birth to one or more of the children who live in the household.

A.blended families
B.nuclear families
C.step families
Question 14
The first major welfare act was ___________________.

A.The War on Poverty
B.New Deal
C.Elizabethan Poor Law
Question 15
The professional activity to help individuals, groups, or communities enhance or restore their capacity for social functioning and creating societal conditions as favorable to this goal is the definition by which social work organization.

A.National Association of Social Workers
B.Council on Social Work Education
C.Association of Social Work Boards
Question 16
All child welfare services are provided by governmental agencies.

Question 17
Based on the video by William Noel and your syllabus, ___________ is when someone believes there are not differences between people and tends to reflect the view of the dominate group as universal.
A.cultural blindness
B.cultural proficiency
C.cultural competence
*Question 18
When problems are individual in nature they are referred to as _____ problems.

Week 8 Discussion: Continue the Conversation The Cycle of Interventions and Eval

Week 8 Discussion: Continue the Conversation
The Cycle of Interventions and Eval

Week 8 Discussion: Continue the Conversation
The Cycle of Interventions and Evaluations
Reflect on the iterative process of designing, evaluating, and refining interventions. Choose one of the following prompts as a starting place for your post:
Describe an intervention you’ve been a part of and its impact.
Discuss the importance of feedback in intervention design.
How do you balance stakeholder needs during evaluation?
Share a time when an evaluation led to significant intervention changes.
Include 2 sources. APA 7 format.

Week 8 Discussion: Continue the Conversation The Cycle of Interventions and Eval

Week 8 Discussion: Continue the Conversation
The Cycle of Interventions and Eval

Week 8 Discussion: Continue the Conversation
The Cycle of Interventions and Evaluations
Reflect on the iterative process of designing, evaluating, and refining interventions. Choose one of the following prompts as a starting place for your post:
Describe an intervention you’ve been a part of and its impact.
Discuss the importance of feedback in intervention design.
How do you balance stakeholder needs during evaluation?
Share a time when an evaluation led to significant intervention changes.
Include 2 sources. APA 7 format.

Week 8 Discussion: Continue the Conversation The Cycle of Interventions and Eval

Week 8 Discussion: Continue the Conversation
The Cycle of Interventions and Eval

Week 8 Discussion: Continue the Conversation
The Cycle of Interventions and Evaluations
Reflect on the iterative process of designing, evaluating, and refining interventions. Choose one of the following prompts as a starting place for your post:
Describe an intervention you’ve been a part of and its impact.
Discuss the importance of feedback in intervention design.
How do you balance stakeholder needs during evaluation?
Share a time when an evaluation led to significant intervention changes.
Include 2 sources. APA 7 format.

You will submit two process recordings to me each month through Canvas. The proc

You will submit two process recordings to me each month through Canvas. The proc

You will submit two process recordings to me each month through Canvas. The process recordings should have already been reviewed by our field instructor and include feedback from them.
For more information on process recordings, please see the Process Recording Handbook.
In the first month, I did not find an internship, so I could not write this. However, I did not find an internship according to the requirements of the school, which required me to write a paper. The following is my outputRead the processbook carefully and give some reflective summaries combined with what I’ve done before to make the instructor look like I’m serious