to do the assignment there is a video to watch first. YouTube Clip: Inside a Jap

to do the assignment there is a video to watch first.
YouTube Clip: Inside a Jap

to do the assignment there is a video to watch first.
YouTube Clip: Inside a Japanese Love HotelLinks to an external site.
This week, we discussed a myriad of topics related to
Chapter 10 – Sexual Expression. This week’s Virtual Assignment expands our knowledge about sexual expression and partnered sexual behavior in other cultures; more specifically, we will be learning about Japan’s Love Hotels. You are instructed to:
1) View the included short video introducing us to Japan’s Love Hotels
YouTube Clip: Inside a Japanese Love HotelLinks to an external site.
2) Answer/Discuss the following questions in your discussions:
Why do you think you would not find a “love hotel” in the United States?
Can you think of an equivalent establishment in the United States?
Would you visit a “love hotel” if they were available in the United States? Why or why not?
Although the Japanese are known for keeping sexuality private, in what ways does the existence of “love hotels” and their popularity contradict these attitudes?