This assignment encourages you to reflect on various aspects of your well-being,

This assignment encourages you to reflect on various aspects of your well-being,

This assignment encourages you to reflect on various aspects of your well-being, including physical, mental, and social dimensions. This holistic approach aims to promote self-awareness and guide you toward healthier lifestyles.
Complete the Wellness Check-In Questionnaire. Please reflect on your current habits and experiences in each dimension and answer the questions honestly.
Write your own individual reflection. 1.) Set one or two realistic and achievable wellness goals based on your reflections and group discussions. Goals should be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). 2.) Create a simple action plan outlining the steps you will take to achieve your wellness goals. 3.) Identify potential obstacles and strategies for overcoming them. 4.) Consider how this wellness assessment has influenced your perspective on your overall well-being and what steps you can take to make positive changes.

1.) Discuss the working definition of fitness. What is the working definition of

1.) Discuss the working definition of fitness. What is the working definition of

1.) Discuss the working definition of fitness. What is the working definition of wellness? Use the WHO website to research these definitions.
2.) Discuss the fitness/wellness assessments you have experience with or knowledge about.
3.) Pick a few assessments you learned about and discuss how reliable you think these tools are.

Instructions Nutrient Deficiency Research/Virtual Objective: To understand the

Nutrient Deficiency Research/Virtual
Objective: To understand the

Nutrient Deficiency Research/Virtual
Objective: To understand the symptoms and consequences of nutrient deficiencies and learn how to identify them.
1.) Case Study:
– Read through a current case study of an individual showing symptoms related to nutrient deficiencies.
– Analyze the case study, identify the possible nutrient deficiency, and discuss potential solutions or interventions.
2.) Research:
– Take notes on one specific nutrient deficiency, including its prevalence, sources of the nutrient, and strategies for prevention.
3.) Create:
– Make a presentation (use either PowerPoint or Prezi) that organizes and includes all the information you collected.
Make sure to include all your sources on your last slide. This will be your reference page.

You already reflected on your own habits and practices of seeking out informatio

You already reflected on your own habits and practices of seeking out informatio

You already reflected on your own habits and practices of seeking out information. This week you watched Eli Pariser’s TED Talk “Beware Online ‘Filter Bubbles.'” (Links to an external site.) The main challenge is that filter bubbles prove why we are right and demonstrate why the other side is clearly wrong (many of you wrote about this idea in the discussion of Lil B’s The Age of Information. In this discussion, write a short response (about 100 words) that either discusses how you have encountered filter bubbles in the past OR how you plan to navigate an information ecosystem that is seemingly designed to prevent you from seeing the full picture. Respond to one other student.
Your initial post is worth 8 points and your response is worth 2.
i will provide you with two classmates discussions and you will need to reply on them with saying hi and praise their discussions with few wrods

Meditation Assignment Please watch/participate in each of the meditation videos

Meditation Assignment
Please watch/participate in each of the meditation videos

Meditation Assignment
Please watch/participate in each of the meditation videos and then practice them on your own. After experiencing this please write a 2 page response on your experience with them addressing the following questions:
1. The videos are very different. Describe the differences and how they made you feel, which you related to more and why.
2. Would you want to do more of one or another? Was one more beneficial to you and why?
3. Do you feel there is a difference between meditation and yoga or is one a part of the other?
Deepak Chopra’s Go-To 3-Minute Meditation To Stay Focused
Deepak Chopra’s Go-To 3-Minute Meditation To Stay Focused (Links to an external site.)

Rodney Yee: Yoga to Restore & Rejuvenate,Yoga | Gaian
Rodney Yee: Yoga to Restore & Rejuvenate | Yoga | Gaiam (Links to an external site.)
Full Length Chakra Yoga Nidra Guided Meditation with
Elena Mironov
Full Length Chakra Yoga Nidra Guided Meditation with Elena Mironov (Links to an external site.)