Choose one of the following prompts and write a 750- to 1100-word essay (3 to 4

Choose one of the following prompts and write a 750- to 1100-word essay (3 to 4

Choose one of the following prompts and write a 750- to 1100-word essay (3 to 4 pages, double-spaced) addressing it. Include an introductory paragraph, supporting evidence, and a concluding paragraph. Cite any resources you use according to APA Style. The minimum requirement for this assignment is one reference.
• Summarize John Watson’s behaviorism and the ways that he believed it could be used to improve people and societies. In your opinion, why did Watson’s behaviorism have such a phenomenal popular appeal? Do you think it would have become so popular without the earlier work of the functional psychologists?
Why or why not?
• Summarize the three stages of behaviorism discussed in your textbook. How do Bandura’s and Rotter’s views on cognitive factors differ from Skinner’s views?
What are some criticisms of and contributions of Bandura’s and Rotter’s work?