Complete Case Project. Only one page is needed.Biological and File-Based Viruses

Complete Case Project. Only one page is needed.Biological and File-Based Viruses

Complete Case Project. Only one page is needed.Biological and File-Based Viruses – The word virus comes from Latin, meaning a slimy liquid, poison, or poisonous secretion. In late Middle English, it was used for the venom of a snake. The word later evolved from the discharge to the substances within the body that caused the infectious diseases that produced the discharge. In 1799, Edward Jenner published his discovery that the cowpox virus could actually be used as a vaccine against smallpox. As biological science continued to advance, the word “virus” became even more specific when referring to tiny infectious agents—even smaller than bacteria—that replicate in living cells. This new field of virology exploded in the 1930s, when electronic microscopes allowed scientists to see viruses for the first time. since then, scientists have continued to identify and name new biological viruses. combating viruses by developing vaccines has many parallels to how malicious file-based viruses are identified and removed from a computer. using the Internet, research these two types of viruses and find the similarities between combating biological and computer viruses. Write a one-to-two-paragraph summary of your research.
Complete Case Project. Only one page is needed.AV Comparison Select four antivirus products, one of which is a free product, and compare their features. Create a table that lists the features. How do they compare with the AV software you currently use? Which would you recommend to others? Why? Create a one page report on your research