DB 5: Analyzing the Internship Ad See this article that advocates analyzing a jo

DB 5: Analyzing the Internship Ad
See this article that advocates analyzing a jo

DB 5: Analyzing the Internship Ad
See this article that advocates analyzing a job ad in the way the questions below asked you to before you write your resume: How to Make Resume Match Job Description.docx
Go to Career Services: https://career.asu.edu/ (Links to an external site.
Under Explore Opportunities you can register with handshake to find an internship: https://asu.joinhandshake.com/login (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
For your Advancing Your Career assignment, find an ad for an internship which you could apply to now. This should be commensurate with your current experiences/skills. You should be able to find an internship ad by going to the career services pages. In other words, the ad must be seeking someone pursuing your degree and must not require that you have already graduated or you have professional experience in that area. You will need to include a copy of the ad with your Advancing Your Career packet and say where you found the ad and when in your cover letter so make a note of that when you copy the ad into a Word Doc.
When you have found a suitable ad, copy this and paste it into a Word document and edit the font so it is 11 or 12 point. Save that document so that you can easily find it in the future. Highlight relevant skills the job seeks and qualifications you need to have using the highlighter in Word. Then paste the ad into your reply here in the discussion board along with your answers to these questions. Make sure you copy the entire ad.
Once you have the ad, complete the following discussion board by answering questions fully and post them here along with the internship ad you have pasted into word. Learning to identify key words and phrases in a job ad and then use those naturally in your resume and cover letter is, as your textbook says on page 508, how you make friends with resume bots.
Analyzing the Internship Advertisement
Effectively analyzing the ad allows the job seeker to target her application with a customized letter and resume.
5 Key Components of a Internship Ad
Position description
Key areas of responsibilities
Professional qualifications/required experience/desired skills
Company description/overview
Details on how to apply for the position and deadline for applications
Steps to Analyzing an Internship ad
Read through the ad several times to ensure that you understand the requirements of the position, and look for hidden clues when reading and analyzing it. Some requirements are listed as essential or required and others as preferred or desirable or similar wording. Essential or required means that if you don’t have those qualifications, you will not be considered. Preferred or Desired should tell you that you should try to develop those skills and qualifications before you graduate. Cover both “hard” and “soft” skills. Hard skills are measuarable and specific such as using spreadsheets or speaking a particular languge or designing a webpage. Soft skills are less tangible interpersonal such as communication, teamwork, leardership, coflict resolution etc.
Answer these questions:
Go to the company’s website and social media pages and do a google search to find out as much as you can about the company. Write a brief profile explaining what the company does, how large they are, where located, and so on.
What is the position you are applying for within the organization?
What attracted you or drew you to the internship advertisement?
Why do you believe this is a good position for you?
What duties will this person be expected to fulfill?
What skills, experience, qualifications, training, abilities and qualities are “essential” or required for the position? Be sure you look at all the requirements especially computer programs. Now list what you have done that would show you have these essential qualifications? (Consider work, classes, and volunteer work)
What skills, experience, qualifications, training, abilities and qualities are “preferred” or desirable for the position? Again, now list what you have done that you could discuss that would show you have any of those preferred qualifications or experiences or skills? (Consider work experience, classes, organizations you belong to and volunteer work that you could list on your resume and discuss in your letter)
What kinds of future opportunities does the position provide?
What are some of the keywords in the ad you need to pay attention to that you need to use in your resume or letter? List them. They may be skills, attitudes, or qualifications. They may be hard skills and soft skills. Most ads, for example expect excellent writing skills. So make sure you list that since you will need to prove on your resume.
What specific classes and/or projects at college would prove you are qualified for this position? How and why (what did you do)? Make sure you name the class and don’t use the abbreviation like ENG 302. Instead say Business Writing.
What specific work experience would prove you are qualified? How and why (what did you do)?
What specific volunteer experience would prove you are qualified for this position? How and why (what did you do)?