Dear writer, per our correspondence, I am sharing my chair’s suggestions for rev

Dear writer, per our correspondence, I am sharing my chair’s suggestions for rev

Dear writer, per our correspondence, I am sharing my chair’s suggestions for revision.

When you are writing your data analysis plan, use this format:

Research Question 1: Is there a relationship between the subject’s perception of the degree to which medical professionals are biased against them (Variable: Stigma) with the likelihood of the subject obtaining treatment (Variable: NUMBER OF SESSIONS).
Planned Analysis: A pearson correlation will be conducted to see if there is an inverse correlation between Stigma and NUMBER OF SESSIONS.
Rationale: The literature demonstrates that patients are reluctant to access care when they are afraid of being judged negatively by healthcare providers (Smith, 2018).

Follow this for all research questions.
Dear writer, please let me know if you have any questions.