Decision Report for Tournament Round 1. Instructions and examples are in the att

Decision Report for Tournament Round 1. Instructions and examples are in the att

Decision Report for Tournament Round 1. Instructions and examples are in the attached BSAD301_report1.docx file. Please read it carefully BEFORE making and saving your decisions. Required: Download and use the attached report file. Submission instructions: Attach a single Word (.doc or .docx) or PDF (.pdf) file with your responses, other file formats are not accepted (you will not be able to upload them). You are REQUIRED to use the attached report file (fill in your answers in the spaces provided). Note that report questions may vary from report to report, thus please do NOT re-use report files from previous assignments. You may submit your report multiple times, but only your last submitted file will be kept and graded. Please double-check your submission (make sure you submitted the correct file with your answers). Brightspace allows you to view your submitted file (under Assessments >> Assignments). If your file is not readable, blank, or the wrong file was attached, you will NOT get credit for the assignment. Grading: Point values will be shown in the attached report file. Points will be deducted if the below expectations are not met: Spelling, grammar, sentence structure expectations: Sentences well constructed and readable (easy to read/comprehend); use spellcheck and read your work before submitting (an occasional typo/error is okay but not if there are many misspellings/errors/wrong words, especially relative to word count). Followed instructions & format & used the attached report file. Content: All questions answered as required, relevant content, content easy to understand and follow, coherent.