Discuss the impact of the following topic: Mental Health and the COVID-19 Pandem

Discuss the impact of the following topic: Mental Health and the COVID-19 Pandem

Discuss the impact of the following topic: Mental Health and the COVID-19 Pandemic. You may discuss the topic from the viewpoint of nursing and healthcare professionals providing care during this covid 19 pandemic and what is their mental health.
Discuss aspects of nursing care, patient care and the current recommended interventions for the identified issue.
Consider and address in your writing:
How your topic area is defined and what is the significance to nursing?
What are the implications for the nurse/patient/workplace?
What are the current recommended interventions to combat the issue(s)?
The goal of this project is to research current NURSING research articles and execute the written application of current evidenced based nursing practices utilizing the current research articles to support your opinion/argument about nursing considerations/interventions related to your selected and approved topic