Discussion #4: The COVID-19 Discussion Forum Series Part I: Changing How We Work

Discussion #4: The COVID-19 Discussion Forum Series Part I: Changing
How We Work

Discussion #4: The COVID-19 Discussion Forum Series Part I: Changing
How We Work
In the first half of The (New (Ab)Normal: Reshaping Business and Supply Chain Strategy Beyond COVID-19, we learned the behind-the-scenes details of (1) what happened to our supply chains during the COVID-19 pandemic; and (2) what businesses and their supply chain partners did to minimize the impacts on their operations.
For Discussion Forum #4:
Pick one of Chapters 1 through 13 (one someone else hasn’t picked, or only one other has picked) and start a new discussion thread where you discuss one contentious event or mitigation strategy and give your opinion as to whether or not it was handled correctly. Could businesses have done more, or something different? Provide your own personal perspective and experience. For example: You discuss the impacts of pandemic misinformation on public buying behavior that was profiled in your chapter. Then, you explain how you were personally impacted by this misinformation.
For your response post(s), join in the discussion of that student’s chapter and provide your opinion or counterpoint on the student’s argument. For example, the other student was persuaded not to wear a mask based on published information. What is your opinion on the student’s position, or your opinion of the original misinformation that he/she profiled? Begin a dialog with the other student.
PLEASE USE THIS TO ACCESSTHE BOOK: https://sheffi.mit.edu/book/new-abnormal