Discussion Directions There are two discussions you will need to participate in

Discussion Directions There are two discussions you will need to participate in

Discussion Directions There are two discussions you will need to participate in this week. Select the button under each discussion to access the thread. Discussion topic for week 6: Examining PARC for Resumes WRTG 393 students, For writing assignment #5, you will write a resume and cover letter for a job posting. In addition, you will write a summary of how you applied the principles of proximity, alignment, repetition, and contrast (PARC) to your resume. In this discussion topic, we will examine a website that explains PARC principles with regard to resumes. In addition, we will examine an actual resume. Then answer the following questions: 1. Please examine the following website: Is Your Resume CRAP? Select one of the four principles (proximity, alignment, repetition, or contrast). Explain it to your fellow classmates in a paragraph. In your paragraph, describe how a resume on this website does or does not follow this principle. 2. Examine the following resume: Amelia Adams — Resume This resume demonstrates effective proximity, alignment, repetition, and contrast. Select a different principle from the one you selected for question #1. Describe why this resume demonstrates this principle effectively. For example, Amelia Adams’ resume demonstrates effective contrast because… Writing about these principles in this discussion topic will give you practice in writing about them for the assignment. Please note that you will not be able to see other students’ responses to this discussion topic until you post your response. ________________________________________ Discussion topic for week 6: The Gunning Fog Index The Gunning Fog Index was developed in 1952 by Robert Gunning, a textbook publisher. Gunning observed that high school graduates were not able to read much of what was written in newspapers and business documents. He determined that the reason for their inability to read such material was the writing. He felt that many of the texts in newspapers and business documents were unnecessarily complex. The Gunning Fog Index calculates the complexity of passages of text using an algorithm. For more information on how the index calculates the text, see the following websites: The Gunning Fog Index: A Useful Tool for Targeting an Article to an Audience The Gunning Fog Index (or FOG) Readability Formula For an example, please copy the following paragraph and paste it into the text box at this link: Gunning Fog Index: The measures proposed will help prevent unintentional violations on the network. They also will protect against unintentionally providing access to personally identifiable information (PII). The standards mention literacy training and awareness as well as role-based training. Such training can emphasize many aspects of cybersecurity, not the least of which are training in understanding phishing, spearphishing, and whaling attacks. Moreover, the company would be best served by using role-based access control (RBAC) for its access control model. With RBAC, each employee has a clear definition of their roles in the organization, and access permissions are established for each role. When an employee is assigned a role, the access permissions for that role are then given to that employee and, in fact, if an employee is given multiple roles, that employee will be given multiple levels of access. Overall, we need to facilitate the prevention of cybersecurity attacks. Gunning concluded that a piece of text should have a fog index of less than 12 in order to be readable to a wide audience. 1. What was the fog index of the paragraph above? Please give at least two reasons for its score, based on your understanding of how the Gunning Fog Index calculates the level of complexity. 2. Insert your own piece of writing into the text box. You don’t have to share your fog index here in this discussion topic. However, please write a few sentences on your impression of the Gunning Fog Index. Do you think it is a valid method of determining the complexity of a piece of text? Feel free to use the Gunning Fog Index for your writing both in this class and in other classes.