Discussion Topic #7 – Chapter 6 – Holistic Approaches to Clinical Mental Health

Discussion Topic #7 – Chapter 6 – Holistic Approaches to Clinical Mental Health

Discussion Topic #7 – Chapter 6 – Holistic Approaches to Clinical Mental Health Counseling and Chapter 3 (Hunter, Goodie, Oordt, and Dobmeyer) – Common Behavioral and Cognitive Interventions in Primnary Care: Moving Out of the Specialty Mental Health Clinic (CACREP Standard 1b):
(300 words minimum for main posting with 200 word replies)
Chapter 6 presents the importance of an integrated approach in the counseling profession.
For this discussion:
Discuss the benefits of primary prevention efforts by counselors.
List the five components of the BATHE technique, and give two examples of how a clinical mental health counselor could address each area.
List and describe McNamara’s (2000) eight components of a stress management program.
Chapter 3 presents common behavioral and cognitive interventions in primary care.
For this discussion:
List and describe BHC Toolkit – 10 Effective Interventions in Primary Care. Minimum 300 word posting with 200 word replies to two classmates
Discussion 5
How do you build rapport with children and explain to them what it is you do as a therapist?