Documentary Exchange between parties in international commercialarbitration can

Documentary Exchange between parties in international commercialarbitration can

Documentary Exchange between parties in international commercialarbitration can be difficult unless parties can agree to the IBA Rules on theTaking of Evidence. Sketch out when and where such agreement might bereached between the parties. Address how it is recorded and how the IBA“rules” work in terms of Redfern Schedules with Requests and Objections.What grounds can the Tribunal use in the IBA “rules” to refuse production?There is a maximum word limit of 2500 words for your answer. There is an allowablemargin of +/- 10% on this word limit. The word limit includes words in footnotes butdoes not include words in your bibliography (which should appear as part of youranswer).Students should use the OSCOLA referencing style. The Quick Reference Guide(shorter version) should suffice for most referencing

Posted in Law