Each student will be required to hand in one HR Application assignment on a curr

Each student will be required to hand in one HR Application assignment on a curr

Each student will be required to hand in one HR Application assignment on a current event related to topics covered throughout the course. You are required to select any current newsworthy item in the news related to any topic of study covered in the course outline during the term and write a brief paper (700 – 900 words double spaced) utilizing APA Formatting. Further details will be discussed in class and posted in My Blackboard along with Marking Guide. Your report must include the following:
A Title Page
A short summary of the news item (link for article must be provided as reference)
Which topic does the article relate to from the textbook? – provide a brief overview of the topics within the specific chapter.
Most importantly, your analysis on the implications of the specific media. Questions to consider as part of the Application Section of the Assessment Rubric:
What are the HR planning issues to consider and implications of the news item and how would you consider addressing them as an HR professional? Link your thinking back to specific information from our text?
Does the article identify specific HR practices. Is best practice being followed when you compare article to textbook? Why or why not? Do you agree or disagree with what HR principles and practices are being represented in the article? Why or why not?
How would you address a similar situation in a different/future work environment as well as considers vantage point from an entry level, middle management, and senior management perspective?
Outside research on these topics is not required, utilize the information from the text.
Media articles must have been published within 90 days of the start of this class.
Do not choose an academic or trade journal article for this assignment. It must be something in the media.