ENGL 1001 LSU Online: LeBlanc Rhetorical Analysis of a Text Assignment Sheet htt

ENGL 1001 LSU Online: LeBlanc
Rhetorical Analysis of a Text Assignment Sheet

ENGL 1001 LSU Online: LeBlanc
Rhetorical Analysis of a Text Assignment Sheet

Assignment Objectives:
• Write a thoughtful, developed, organized, and well-supported essay analyzing the
rhetoric of a written text
• The introduction should include a complete and summarizing descriiption of the text
itself, followed by a clear audience and purpose for your own paper as well as a clear
thesis statement listing the rhetorical devices that will be analyzed in the paper
• The body paragraphs should explain
o The rhetorical situation in detail
o Which appeals are employed in the text
o Examples from the text to illustrate the appeals mentioned
o How those appeals work to convey a message to the audience
• The conclusion requires a brief overview of what the paper includes: purpose, thesis,
main ideas from the body, as well as a concluding statement about the success of the
• The paper should be in MLA format, 1200 words, and submitted on time via Moodle
Grading Criteria:
20 points – The student offers a clear, informative summary of the author’s central claims and
20 points – The student develops a context for his or her analysis through a descriiption of the
author’s qualifications, the rhetorical situation and elements of the text, and/or other relevant
information. The contextual information is integrated into and used to support the analysis.
20 points – The student offers a clear, specific analysis on the author’s rhetorical strategies that is
thoughtful and detailed. The analysis is comprehensive and examines a variety of strategies. The
student uses accurate paraphrases and quotations to fully support their analysis. They are
contextualized and integrated seamlessly.
20 points – The student demonstrates exemplary control of language. The style is appropriate,
sophisticated, and engaging. Errors are minimal, and the syntax is clear throughout the paper.
20 points – The student incorporates a logical and fluid organizational plan. Sentences,
paragraphs, and transitions are cohesive and well-crafted across the introduction, body and