Essay proposal and assignment plan (250-500 words total) For your essay proposal

Essay proposal and assignment plan (250-500 words total)
For your essay proposal

Essay proposal and assignment plan (250-500 words total)
For your essay proposal, please provide the following:
your essay’s topic
specific texts you’ll use: for this essay, please identify the story and the two sources you have located from research.
five ideas or questions you plan to address in your essay
Then, create an assignment plan that notes:
actions you’ll take and the deadlines for each phase of your writing process:
drafting (specify particular actions/strategies for drafting along with dates)
revising (specify particular actions/strategies for revising along with dates)
editing and proofreading (identify grammar and/or citation challenges you know you need to focus on)
composition of self evaluation
submission of final draft and self evaluation
any resources you plan to use to complete certain phases of the writing process (if needed)
any questions or concerns you have about the assignment