Explore your community and/or the FSU campus to identify a place (not the entire

Explore your community and/or the FSU campus to identify a place (not the entire

Explore your community and/or the FSU campus to identify a place (not the entire city) that has been built according to the modernist planning principles. Here are some examples to spark your ideas. Think about places such as: Sweeping plazas with little activity Tall concrete towers that interact little with the surrounding city Highways that cut through city centers In Tallahassee some examples are, the intersection where I-10 meets Thomasville road and Capital Circle NE, or the Capitol building complex (picture shown below). In case it’s not feasible for you to explore the community, you may present an example from a place you have visited before, or, as a last resort, search for one using the internet. However, it is strongly recommended that you visit the place or research a place you’ve experienced before, as this assignment is meant for engaging with the urban environment with a different perspective. This assignment covers the material for “Big Plans” (modules 1, 2, 3). So make sure you’ve reviewed the lecture notes and watched the lecture videos to be able to answer the assignment questions. Once you have identified and visited the place, answer the following questions. Please write 2-3 paragraphs for each question, make sure to number your answers, and submit as Word document. Please also remember to provide examples from/or references to the course modules or other sources to help strengthen your arguments. Late assignments will be penalized 10% each day and will not be accepted past the 5th day after the due date. Make sure to use proper citations and a reference list (see syllabus for guidance). If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. Name the place you have chosen for this assignment and describe what it looks like. What does the building/project itself look like? The surroundings? Take a picture of the project, or find one online, and include the picture as part of your answer. Do some background research on the project and make sure to include in-text citation and a reference list to your sources. Find out the specific name of the project, if possible. How did this place come about? Which entity (such as, federal/state/local government; developer; private corporations) was responsible for creating the place of your choice? Who were the key players involved? Include anything else you find interesting about the project that you would like to discuss. What aspects of “modernist planning” do you see in the project? Why do you believe this is an example of modernist planning ideals? (HINT: Refer back to Module 2- Lecture 2- Le Corbusier & Lecture video 3 on the Ideology of Modernism). Discuss the: Structure/building itself Surroundings/setting Do you think this was a good project? If yes, why? If no, why not? How has the surrounding community been affected by the project? Who are the losers (for example were any communities displaced to create the project)? Winners? Who seemed to benefit the most? Make sure to refer back to the course modules related to the benefits and issues of modernist planning.