First Google Veit Thanh Nguyen, then write one paragraph on what you found most

First Google Veit Thanh Nguyen, then write one paragraph on what you found most

First Google Veit Thanh Nguyen, then write one paragraph on what you found most interesting about him.
In your classroom text read:
The Displaced located on page 24 to 26 (page number may vary)
Answer the questions on page 26 and the top of page 27. (Page numbers may vary) (In some of the books it will tell you to write your own personal story, skip that part because you will be writing your own narrative essay soon!)
Now write two paragraphs on your thoughts on the story. Tell me how they story made you feel and why? Then answers the following questions below. 1. Who are the characters?
A character can be a person, animal, or other being. Even objects and settings can serve as a
character within a story.
2. What is the setting?
Setting is also important to a story. A story can have multiple settings, as setting is just where the action is taking place.
However, setting can and should be so much more than just where the action takes place. The
setting can impact the character(s) and plot in some way.
3. What is the plot?
Plot is the story your writing revolves around. It intertwines the sequence of events, the
numerous conflicts, and characters into one cohesive story from start to finish.
Every plot needs a beginning, a middle, a climax, and a resolution. Within that structure,
conflicts and tension build, readers learn about the world, and they experience the story with the
4.What is the conflict?
Conflict is different than plot, though it feeds back into the plot. In essence, conflict is some kind
of problem the character must solve, and the plot revolves around this conflict.
5. What is the resolution?
A resolution is simple. It’s the action characters take to solve their problem. This might take
place in something as simple as a conversation or as dramatic as a giant battle for the fate of the