Focus on the following questions in your submission: Compare whether people in A

Focus on the following questions in your submission: Compare whether people in A

Focus on the following questions in your submission: Compare whether people in American culture accept the ambiguity of a relative concept, such as morality, or reinforce the idea that someone must be right and someone must be wrong. If so, determine where Americans may get that concept from. Examine whether people insist there is always one “right” way about things and to what degree the influence of culture shapes that view. Using higher order thinking skills (HOTS) from Bloom’s taxonomy, respond to the prompts. Be sure to demonstrate your mastery of the course content through the use of analysis, synthesis, and the application of ideas. When evaluating your essay, your professor will look for evidence of the following: That you grasp the overall concept of the assigned chapters in this unit That you are able to apply that knowledge in a thoughtful and meaningful way That your arguments are coherent and defensible That you have supported your work with scholarly resource