For this assignment, you will conduct an email interview of an adult (19 years o

For this assignment, you will conduct an email interview of an adult (19 years o

For this assignment, you will conduct an email interview of an adult (19 years or older) friend or family member, but not a student in this or any other class at Bellevue University. You will find the interview questions in the attached document above titled “special-project.docx.” The person you select to be interviewed must be someone who has, at some time, been in love and who still believes in love. The project deliverables will consist of two parts (labeled Part A and Part B), together in a single Microsoft Word document (not a PDF): The interview questions and answers. Your reflections on the answers your interviewee has given to the questions, in which you offer your own thoughts and responses. Did any of the answers surprise you? Why or why not? Do you agree with the answers given? Why or why not? You must also include in your reflections reference to a minimum of four of the works read, audited, or viewed for the class up to this point (any combination of the Ackerman readings in various weeks will count as one of the four required references). This reflection portion of your project will be a minimum of 500 words.

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