For this essay, you will compare and contrast the rhetorical strategies of two m

For this essay, you will compare and contrast the rhetorical strategies of two m

For this essay, you will compare and contrast the rhetorical strategies of two magazine or newspaper articles regarding your topic for the semester. To avoid certain frustration, be sure to choose articles designed to persuade, not merely to inform. These articles may be making similar arguments, or they may be in direct opposition. Regardless, your task is to analyze the rhetorical appeals the authors use. Do not make an argument of your own or inform your audience about the authors’ topic. Identify and assess the authors’ use of ethos, pathos, and logos.
In your first sentence, identify the authors and their articles, by name (e.g. In “Article A,” M argues X, and in “Article B,” N argues Y). In your first paragraph, establish what the authors are arguing for and how their arguments are different. This summary should be succinct. You will delve into the minutiae of the authors’ rhetorical choices in subsequent paragraphs.
In those subsequent paragraphs, identify and assess the authors’ use of ethos, pathos, and logos explicitly (i.e., use the words ethos, pathos, and logos). If an author avoids a rhetorical appeal—say, pathos—discuss what effect this absence has on the argument. Consider the following questions while you’re preparing to write this essay:
How do the authors establish their ethos (i.e., their professional qualifications) to earn the audience’s respect?
Do the authors cite experts (i.e., use the experts’ ethos) to support their arguments?
Do the authors utilize pathos and pull on heartstrings? Do they rely on cheap sentiment? Do they use scare tactics, or do they have a legitimate reason for trying to make their readers feel something? Do they use humor? What are the effects of their emotional appeals?
Do the authors rely on sound logic (i.e., logos)? Do they provide supporting facts? Do they use logical analogies? Do they engage in logical fallacies? Do they ignore any relevant information?
Do they make a good argument? Why or why not?