For your initial post: 1. Read the article, Introducing COBRAs: Exploring motiva

For your initial post:
1. Read the article, Introducing COBRAs: Exploring motiva

For your initial post:
1. Read the article, Introducing COBRAs: Exploring motivations for brand-related social media use. (Estimated time commitment: 1 hour)
2. Read A Marketer’s Guide to Using User-Generated Content on Social Media, which contains a number of examples of brands using UGC on social media. (Estimated time commitment: 20 minutes)
3. Recognizing (A) creation of brand-related content is the “ultimate level of online brand-related activeness” and (B) consumers trust one another more than they trust brands, find an example of a firm that has used user-generated video or images in its brand page post(s) on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn or another social media platform. You may not use examples included in A Marketer’s Guide to Using User-Generated Content on Social Media.
4. Title your post: Brand Name UGC in Social Media
5. Within your post:
Use your text AND external research to formulate your thoughtful response. Write in full sentences. Cite sources like this (1) and this (2). Use language and concepts befitting your status as a business student. Include a References Section.
a. Embed (not attach!) a jpg of the post including the response tallies beneath (likes, favorites, retweets, etc).
b. Referencing your text book or other credible resources offering guidelines on how to effectively use photos and videos in social media, explain why you think the firm elected to use the UGC in a brand page post.
c. Describe consumer response – likes, favorites, shares, comments, etc – to the post, comparing it to the consumer response the firm receives when it shares content IT produces. (This means you need to review posts they created and explain – in summary – how consumer response varied.)
1. This is an example of how a numbered list of sources would look. Just provide a link to the information you sourced.
2. Another source link.
3. Another source link.