“For your primary response, identify confounding factors (see Chapter 8 section

“For your primary response, identify confounding factors (see Chapter 8 section

“For your primary response, identify confounding factors (see Chapter 8 section “Confusion of Correlation with Causation”) that might have been overlooked in the following interpretations and conclusions:
1. One out of every five patients admitted to Central Hospital dies (Sowell 120). Does this mean that the hospital is bad?
2. “Among 20-year-olds in 1979, those who said that they smoked marijuana 11 to 50 times in the past year had an average IQ 15 percentile points higher than those who said they’d only smoked once” (Sklaroff and Ash 85). Does this indicate that pot increases brain power or could it mean something else?
3. Teachers are mostly to blame for low test scores and poor discipline in public schools. How is our assessment of this claim affected by the following information? From age 2 to 17, children in the U.S. average 12,000 hours in school, and 15,000 to 18,000 hours watching TV (“Wellness Facts” 1).
References for Interpretations and Conclusions
Sowell, Thomas. “Magic Numbers.” Forbes 20 Oct. 1997: 120. Print.
Sklaroff, Sara, and Michael Ash. “American Pie Charts.” Civilization April/May 1997: 84–85. Print.
“Wellness Facts.” University of California at Berkeley Wellness Letter 14.10 (1998): 1. Print. Remember your primary post should be at least 200 words in length.” DB Post prompt above. Everything think you should need is below. Please reach out if you have any questions.