Hello, I want you to follow the steps below to complete this assignment. What’s

Hello, I want you to follow the steps below to complete this assignment.

Hello, I want you to follow the steps below to complete this assignment.
What’s Your Favorite Recipe?
Choose a recipe that you or your family makes on a regular basis. Include all ingredients and the details of how to make it in the first page of the spreadsheet (see attached). Complete the total carbohydrates, fat, and protein found in each ingredient (in both grams and calories). You will need to convert grams to calories. Use the Excel Spreadsheet included in this assignment and it will convert it for you. Remember that there are 4 calories in each gram of protein, 4 calories in each gram of carbohydrate, and 9 calories in each gram of fat. You will also need to include how many calories is in each serving and how many servings the recipe makes. You can use the Eat This Much Food Browser Links to an external site.to calculate how many calories are in each ingredient or create the entire recipe. You can also use the FatsecretLinks to an external site. website to find individual ingredients.
Sample Recipe Assignment
Please use this Excel spreadsheet Download Excel spreadsheetto turn in your recipe assignment!
The first spreadsheet says “original recipe”. On this you will add all of the ingredients and include total calories, carbohydrates, fat, and protein.
The second spreadsheet, “final project to turn in”, has the all of the ingredients and include total calories, carbohydrates, fat, and protein. On this you will also replace three ingredients with HEALTHIER versions of the ingredient. For example, the hamburger bun with sesame seeds was replaced with wheat bread, the 4oz ground beef will get replaced with 4oz ground turkey and the mayonnaise will get replaced with mustard.
Thank you so much and if you have any questions let me know