Hi, all. You were introduced to three prominent ideologies during your class ses

Hi, all.
You were introduced to three prominent ideologies during your class ses

Hi, all.
You were introduced to three prominent ideologies during your class sessions: liberalism, conservatism, and socialism. Through your classmates’ presentations and textbook readings, you’ve also been exposed to various other ideologies across a broad spectrum. Here is the question for your first weekly writing.
Now, imagine you’re responsible for shaping the ideological policies of a nation. Which ideologies would you utilize to tackle specific issues your society encounters? To respond, identify the problems your nation confronts (you can use a real-life example or suggest an imaginary state), articulate a vision for an improved society, and outline a strategy for achieving it.”
I dare you. It is a challenging assignment. It targets your creative thinking. Take it as an intellectual challenge. Do not aim for the correct answer because there is no right answer to this question, and do not try to guess what I am expecting from you. I want to see an original work that shows a product of your independent thinking. While writing, try to consult different sources ranging from the textbook (don’t disregard it) to YouTube videos, media, and blog posts on the internet. Find helpful information and discuss the assignment with your peers. You can also consult me if you have questions, and I will be happy to clarify your confusion. Ultimately, I want to receive your submissions and have a great time reading them. Be brave, and let your inner voice out.
Your second task included in the assignment is to ask two questions that could guide your further intellectual inquiry.
Read the Writing Assignments Grading Rubric on the course iLearn page to understand how you will be assessed. Submissions are checked for plagiarism and AI-generated content.
Submit in the form of ATTACHMENT. Indicate your name on top of your writing.
No right and wrong answers. 500-600 words. DO NOT FORGET TO ADD TWO QUESTIONS OF YOURS.