Hi, I need help on talking pointers for a presentation that I have on Friday. It

Hi, I need help on talking pointers for a presentation that I have on Friday. It

Hi, I need help on talking pointers for a presentation that I have on Friday. It doesn’t have to be in an essay format just some pointers to talk about for my presentation. I have to relate my topic on the readings provided as well. This is the prompt : “Begin by picking a song from your assigned day. Then, read the assigned reading for your assigned day and subject. Consider the aspects (temporal, technological, socio-cultural) that made the music of that time unique. Do some further research on your assigned song, tying it specifically to the assigned readings, and further elaborating on the history and significance of the song.
Each student will present their song, playing a 60-second or so clip of the song, and discuss the song’s history in a 4-5 minute talk in front of the class. If the best 60-second clip starts in the middle of the song, please make sure to know where to start your clip.”
Looking forward to reading. Thank you!