Please read this instructions before answering the
Please read this instructions before answering the
Please read this instructions before answering the questions. Students are expected to follow the guidelines on Academic Integrity as explicated in the Student Handbook.
They must produce their own written work and attempt tests and quizzes and any other course assignments on their own. While writing papers, they will paraphrase ideas and sometimes quote from sources, such as textbooks, articles, interviews or videos. When doing this, they must cite and acknowledge sources following the appropriate format (APA or MLA guidelines).
Any writing assignment that uses the AI tool (i.e. ChatGpt) will receive a zero for the assignment, and if this behavior is repeated even after the warning, the student will receive a failing grade for the entire course.
Failure to follow the appropriate ethical conduct of writing will be considered plagiarism, which means taking someone else’s work and presenting it as his or her own, and will result in:
Failing the specific assignment.
Failing the entire course (if cheating/plagiarism happens again, despite warning)
Academic suspension and expulsion from the program
Whatever work you produce for this particular course will stay within the course and will not be shared with anyone outside the course, unless an issue of plagiarism or academic integrity arises, in which case the appropriate authorities at the college will be notified. Your posts on the discussion board will be visible to other students enrolled in the course.
The instructional videos above can help you avoid plagiarism by following either an APA or an MLA format of citing. Click on the video above to listen to the content.
Answer THREE (from three different chapters) of the following questions in detail, using textual support paraphrased from the chapters. You may provide examples, but the answers need to drawn from the textbook, but presented in your own words. Each response should be at least 150 words or more. . (note: page numbers might be different for the e-book).
Chapter 3. What was family life like in colonial times (1607-1776) versus the 19th and the 20th centuries? Discuss some of the key patterns of change in the American family structure.
Chapter 3. How do contemporary families differ from one another? Discuss based on the information provided in the chapter (pp 81-85).
Chapter 3. How does social class affect the parenting style? Read the inbox (page 91) and provide examples from real life observations.
Chapter 4. How does gender socialization early on influence the gender roles that men and women perform in families and workplaces? (126-139)
Chapter 5. Define love and intimacy in contemporary times. How has social media affected human behavior in this regard?
Chapter 5. How does popular culture influence our understanding of gender and sexuality, and love
and intimacy?
Please note it should be written only in Word Document.