I have attached files of my research Note: This reflection is a significant part

I have attached files of my research
Note: This reflection is a significant part

I have attached files of my research
Note: This reflection is a significant part of your Research Blog project grade. It is not a normal homework assignment, but instead will make up 25% of your Unit 2 project grade, as described on the assignment sheet. As such, it’s important to take your time to think about your response and organize it. Submit a polished final draft.
Genre: The genre you are writing a progress report. In “real life”, progress reports are written for a variety of reasons: researchers write progress reports to update grant committees on the progress of the research the committees are funding; engineers and/or scientists write progress reports to update their supervisors or the government on the progress of the research and any additional resources that might be needed; or teams within a company may also write them to update CEOs or board members of the status of a major initiative. Progress reports are polished documents that are meant to convince your reader that you have made effective progress on your research, that you are on track to finish the project, and that you have a firm understanding of what the next steps are for your project. Here’s a student sample. This is a progress report on a scientific research, which is a little different. While neither of these examples are a perfect match to the assignment, they’ll give you an idea of what’s expected and what progress reports can look like.
Purpose: You will want to update your instructor on the progress of your research and how the process of writing the research log has impacted your understanding of the issue and of the focus of your research project. You want to convince your instructor that in Unit 2 you explored effectively, demonstrated intellectual curiosity, and read rhetorically and with an open mind.
Audience: Your instructor.
Skills learned/practiced: synthesis, reflection, writing/revision.
Important notes about progress reports:
Center your report on your project. In other words, the progress report should reflect that you thought about what you want to say about your learning/insights and that you organized the report in a way that best communicates those ideas to a supervisor. Your progress report should not be a bulleted list of answers to the questions below.
Progress reports are usually short, but dense. You have 1-2 pages to convince your reader of all the progress you’ve made and all that you’ve learned. Be wise with what you include. Avoid “fluff”. Use specific details/language throughout (if you are speaking only in vague terms, you will not convince your reader you’ve effectively researched).
Progress reports allot space based on importance. Something that took you 10 hours of work may only add 1-2 sentences to the progress report. Conversely, something that didn’t take as long could end up being hugely important and merit an entire paragraph. Give space to the important ideas and don’t waste space on things that aren’t important to your progress and thinking, even if they took time.
If you refer to a source, cite it–and be specific about your information. Instead of “the article I used for log 1”, say “In ‘Is AI Helping Writers?’, by Diego Jackson…”
Make the report as polished as possible. Part of convincing your reader that you are an effective researcher is speaking about that research intelligently and in a polished way. Revise before you submit.
Below I’ve provided guiding questions to help you write an effective reflection, but you do not have to answer every question and you should not answer it in bullet form. Instead, write the progress report like an essay–though you can use subheadings, if that helps you.
Guiding Questions
Here is the link to the guiding questions you should use for your research progress report. You must consider these questions as you write and address both of the categories in the guiding questions.
Unlike your first three research logs that were submitted through discussion board, you will write your Research Progress Report on a separate document. Research Progress Reports are public facing. In order to mirror that process, you will submit the progress report as a separate, polished document intended for a wider audience.