I have written my essay but I need to proofread it and editing. – Your text shou

I have written my essay but I need to proofread it and editing. –
Your text shou

I have written my essay but I need to proofread it and editing. –
Your text should have the following parts:
Summary: First, summarize the ad/video in a short paragraph. Also, give us an idea of context. Who created it? When? What is the purpose? Who is the audience? Do not spend too much time summarizing, but engage the reader and establish the context of the multimodal argument.
Analysis: Analyze ‘the pieces,’ the separate elements of the multimodal argument, and synthesize the parts to make a thorough statement or analysis of the piece as a whole. Analyzing a visual requires additional tools like we discussed in class. What modes (linguistic, audio, spatial, visual, gestural) and what are the effects of these different modes? What is the tone of the piece? What appeals such as ethos, pathos, and logos are being made? What colors or lightness or darkness are used? What music or sound do you hear? What kind of movement/behavior/bodily gestures do we see? What role does language play in the visual? What kind of diction is used? How is it delivered?
USE CH. 1 Writer/Designer p. 13 to the end as reference!
Conclusion that concludes using the evidence and analysis of the previous paragraphs whether or not this work is rhetorically effective.
The goal is not just to answer the questions above and tell me what you see (that’s summary). The goal is to analyze these different parts of the multimodal argument, exploring why the creators chose to use these elements, what effect they have, and how they affect the overall purpose of the video.
Explore The Why.
Who wants to experience this text?
Your audience for this piece is broad. Consider whom the artifact is for and how you can help that audience deconstruct the argument.
Why should I do this?
Composing a Multimodal Analysis will sharpen your ability to form texts by allowing you to:
analyze and deconstruct an argument based on purpose, audience, appeals, and tone.
analyze and deconstruct an argument based on other elements of multimodality including language design, visual design, audio design, and spatial design.
build critical thinking and analytical skills that can be applied to different media and genres.
construct your own argument utilizing claims, evidence, and sources as means of support.
demonstrate your capacity to compose in multiple genres and rhetorical situations.
The Multimodal Rhetorical Analysis should be 1500 words
it is about Rebbeca film