I need you to write a thesis proposal on the topic of Social identity leadership

I need you to write a thesis proposal on the topic of Social identity leadership

I need you to write a thesis proposal on the topic of Social identity leadership theory in emerging agile teams: A qualitative study within Nike UK company. The thesis proposal must consist of introduction, theoretical framework, research methodology and references. In the document “Guidelines” you can find the exact requirements for each one of the parts and how these are assessed.
In the introduction there should also be a research question present, with possible sub questions. Almost every sentence must be supported by references from scientific sources. Thus, the total number of references should be around 40-50 citations. All of them should be placed alphabetically under the APA referencing style. The best databases to cite from are Scopus, Web of science and Google Scholar. The references of websites or low quality articles are not welcomed. Mostly scientific papers, articles and other literature works are expected.
In the documents “Example Thesis Proposal” and “Example Thesis Proposal #2” you can find 2 thesis proposals awarded with a sufficient grade. They are based on different subjects, but they can present a clear overview of what this work should look like. Both these works consist of the needed parts and are adequately written according to the assessment rubric. You can use some of the “work” phrases from these examples, such as the beginnings of some sentences or their general structure parts.
For the introduction part you can see the “Guidelines” document and follow the requirements. You should present a clear overview of the topic, where almost every sentence is supported by a reference. At the end of it, present a research question and sub questions to it.
For the theoretical background part you can also see the “Guidelines” document and follow the requirements. It is about dividing the research into 3-4 main theoretical domains and explaining every one of them in detail. Referring to what is already known and why THIS research is so important. Show that you are adding to the existing knowledge and not just repeating the current research. Again, you should use the logical sentences from the examples. Not the content related ones, but the ones helping you prove the importance of this particular work. For example, “As mentioned previously”, or “Therefore, this research is crucial to understanding the …” and so on.
In the Methods or Research Methodology part you are expected to look at the “Guidelines” document and follow the requirements. The method for this thesis proposal is similar to the methods described in the document “Thesis Proposal Example #2”. It is going to be a qualitative study, using the Gioia method and Thematic Analysis. The participants are going to be 16 employees of Nike UK working in agile teams. You are expected to explain in detail the research process with references from literature. For this part you can also look at the document “Methodology Example”, there is a good example from another thesis proposal work.
Do NOT use the same references as in the example works provided. Try to find new scientific sources and cite them.