I want to choose Qatar airways. Assignment 2 (50%) 1500 words With reference to

I want to choose Qatar airways.
Assignment 2 (50%) 1500 words
With reference to

I want to choose Qatar airways.
Assignment 2 (50%) 1500 words
With reference to an organisation of your choice, critically discuss the nature of its competitive position, how this has been established and how it might be maintained or improved in the future.
In addressing this question, you should consider:
• Whether or not, and in what ways, the organisation has been able to identify, understand and respond to key factors, issues and trends in the marketing environment (in what it does and how it does it).
• For whom the organisation seeks to deliver benefits and create value (i.e. target customers/consumers), and the nature of the value that it seeks to create for these people.
• Who the organisation might be considered to compete against in this respect, how it is differentiated from key competitors, and the nature of any competitive advantage it might hold?
• The source of its differentiation/competitive advantage and how this has been created(e.g. via innovation in elements of the marketing mix; the construction and development of brand image; and/or it’s relationship marketing)
• The sustainability of ts differentiation/competitive advantage, what changes in the environment might threaten this and how the organisation might seek to address these challenges to maintain/enhance its competitive advantage in the future. IMPORTANT: You MUST NOT base assignment 2 on an organisation that was used as a working case-study during the delivery week workshops.
Assessment criteria: You will be assessed on theoretical knowledge and understanding, application of
theory to/in the specified context, critical thinking and argument, independent research and reading,
structure, presentation and clarity of communication.
Word Count: Max 1500 Words (everything is included in the word count, except title page, contents and
reference list; appendices are not permitted and will not be marked)
Font Size: 12 point
Spacing: Single line
References: Harvard Style
Further reading for assignment 2:
In additional to the essential from the core text book (West et al.,2015; see table above), it is
strongly recommended that you read the following articles to develop a detailed and critically
informed essay in response to this assignment.
In addition to relevant content from the core text book (West et al.,2015; see table above), you
MUST show evidence of reading, understanding and applying knowledge from at least TWO of
the following articles (you may choose which two).
• Hooley, G., Greenley, G., Fahy, J. and Cadogan, J., 2001. Market-focused resources, competitive positioning and firm performance. Journal of Marketing Management, 17(5-6), pp.503-520.
• Kanagal, N.B., 2009. Role of relationship marketing in competitive marketing strategy. Journal of Management and Marketing Research.
• Knox, S., 2004. Positioning and branding your organisation. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 13(2), pp.105-115.
• Matear, S., Gray, B.J. and Garrett, T., 2004. Market orientation, brand investment, new service development, market position and performance for service organisations. International Journal of Service Industry Management, 15(3), pp.284-301.
• Zhou, K.Z., Brown, J.R. and Dev, C.S., 2009. Market orientation, competitive advantage, and performance: A demand-based perspective. Journal of business research, 62(11), pp.1063-1070.Please note: You must attempt all elements. You must achieve an overall (average) grade of D3 (9) on the University Common Grading Scale to pass the course AND achieve a minimum of a grade E3 (6) in each element
Q1 workshop 1
Q2 workshop 2
Q3 workshop 3a
Q4&5 workshop3b
Q5 workshop 1 Pestal analysis
– Don’t waste too many words on the company background
– Don’t rush the last 2 question due to word count, he said focus on them
– Last question PESTL analysis
– I’m not native english speaker