I will give you the double if you give me a properly and professional paper. I c

I will give you the double if you give me a properly and professional paper. I c

I will give you the double if you give me a properly and professional paper. I can’t put more on the budget because I don’t have more but tomorrow when I receive it some payment I will add the rest in the tip. I give you my word and all the tutor who are worked with me know I’m not lie. I NEED THIS ON TIME! I don’t have more time
You need to use my hw1 and hw2 as a writing premise and cite my hw3 citation.
hw1 and hw2 are the prerequisites for this assignment, I choose my topic in hw1 and my research question in hw2,
I think you just need to understand what topic I’m working on with my hw1 and hw2 and what questions I want to work on to extend and improve it. Assignment 4: Write an introduction to your proposal. This involves reworking your initial topic proposal and drafting a short background of the problem, its significance, and identifying the research gap (Problem). There should be a clear problem statement within 1.2. That section should transition into section 1.3, which should have a clear Purpose statement and be worded as “The purpose of this study is to….” There should be at least one clear research question in 1.4. Submit via Brightspace.
Look at the exemplar thesis. It has a Chapter 1 – Introduction written in her RPM class just like yours. It is an excellent example of what you should write in yours.
Word Document (.docx)
Used Grammarly (Pro score > 90%)
All text, double spaced, no bullets, whole sentences
Little to no plagiarism (Turnitin score < 10%) 5 peer-reviewed academic papers were presented. Active voice throughout; avoiding personal pronouns Used citation extensively from each supporting work in a correct, APA format Correct reference page. At least 5 academic papers were present (correct APA format). 7 references should be fine Background is clear and concise. Addressed the following criteria (5-8 sentences). Fully addressed the What - What is the idea, how will it be applied in business. How will people use it. How will it transform the business?Applicable to the research question. Persuasive argument that makes the problem important enough to study. Addressed the following criteria (5-8 sentences). Fully addressed the Why. This is your theory that this transformation will be good for the business and the society. Explain how it differs from what is already being done. Why will it be better? Explains the goals and research objectives of the project. Goals and objectives were explicit and clear (1-2 sentences) Identified- Explicitly clear and concise (1-2 questions) Well stated benefits of the study. Clear and concise; clearly has a context, and identified gaps and KPI