I will provide the link to the book and two journal articles that need to be sum

I will provide the link to the book and two journal articles that need to be sum

I will provide the link to the book and two journal articles that need to be summarised.
Examine the main points of every journal article and book within each module you read in an
effort to deconstruct arguments, question their methods and findings, and explain how each
reading speaks to the rest of the module.
Facilitate a discussion between the authors, explaining to the reader what that discussion is,
how the authors agree or disagree or agree with each other, and commentate on why those
agreements or disagreements may exist.
In essence, what you are doing in these assignments is writing brief sample literature reviews.
To do this, start with the following:
1. Examine the thesis of each piece. What is their primary argument? Generally, the thesis
of a journal or book can be found in the introduction. Sometimes, the author will
explicitly state: “The thesis of this article (or book) is…” but in other instances, you may
have to look harder to find it for yourself.
2. What do the authors say about the current state of their chosen subject? Academics
always outline their reasons for why they are writing their articles a certain way: i
a. “Previous literature has examined (this subject) by (x, y, z)…etc.
3. What are their findings and how does one piece speak to the other pieces of the
module? This is where the synthesis comes into play, and is where your voice begins to
be heard. How do YOU interpret the discussion being had?
a. i.e. “Jones (2015) states (x), while Smith (2010) argues (y), displaying a
consistency between two different methods and cases, which demonstrates…”
4. Lastly, conclude your syntheses by evaluating what you think could be done to further
research on the topic. What’s missing? Or, what could be improved?
a. i.e. “Much of the literature on (subject) focuses on (x), however other
methodologies (or cases…etc) could reveal new insights on…”