I will upload two discussion post from two different classmates that i want you

I will upload two discussion post from two different classmates that i want you

I will upload two discussion post from two different classmates that i want you to respond to. I will also upload the materials used in the discussion post so you know what they are discussing about. Please answer both responses on just one page of paper. i will upload all the resources used.
link to videos

The challenges in providing health care to Syrian refugees

Response to Peer
0.5 point
Compliment – Praise a specific aspect of the post. Complement the author on something specific you read or observed in the discussion post and explain
1 point
Comment – Comment on something relevant and meaningful about what the person wrote – be specific. Add to what was said in the post.
0.5 point
Connection – Connect with something the person wrote. Explain your connection with details to provide a clear idea of what you are talking about.
0.5 point
Question – Ask a specific question about the topic of discussion in the post to extend the discussion.