I would like you to review my following thoughts and respond to two of these que

I would like you to review my following thoughts and respond to two of these que

I would like you to review my following thoughts and respond to two of these questions. In your response, support your thoughts with material from our reading assignments, our library, course content, and/or outside sources to support your thoughts.
How does Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs theory relate to motivation in the workplace and personal life?
How do individual and cultural differences influence the hierarchy and importance of needs for different people?
What role does intrinsic motivation (motivation from within) play compared to extrinsic motivation (external rewards) in sustaining long-term commitment to goals?
How can organizations effectively use motivational theories to enhance employee engagement and performance?
How do emerging trends like remote work, gig economy jobs, and flexible scheduling impact motivation and the fulfillment of needs for workers?
In what ways do societal or economic factors affect an individual’s motivation and ability to meet their needs?
How do changing life stages and transitions influence one’s hierarchy of needs and motivational priorities?
How can individuals and organizations balance the pursuit of personal and organizational goals while considering the diverse needs and motivations of stakeholders?